8 Signs That You're on the Wrong Diet
Before you even step on a scale, there are plenty of ways to find out if your diet is working for you. Carefully observe your body’s reactions. If you experience anything below, it could be a sign that you’re eating the wrong foods.
#1 – Nap Time
If you need to take a nap after you eat a sandwich in the middle of the day, it’s most likely because your body is working extra hard to process that food. Processed food is not a natural food. Your body might not recognize it, which can cause a slew of problems.
#2 – Bubble Belly
You ever eat something and 10 minutes later you look pregnant? Yeah, that’s inflammation! It’s your gut’s way of telling you that it’s not happy with the food you’re feeding it. Sadly, some of the healthiest foods can cause bloating, including broccoli, cabbage and kale. Try steaming them so that they take up less space in your GI tract! Also cut down on beans and salt. Bloat-fighting foods include cucumbers, bananas, papayas, probiotic yogurt, asparagus, ginger and peppermint and chamomile teas. Yum!
#3 – Hershey Squirts
Let’s talk poop. Sorry, but it’s something we all do. If you’re constantly dealing with loose stool and/or constipation, chances are your body is not properly digesting what you’re eating. Cut down on carbonated drinks, fried and faddy foods, dairy, chocolate, caffeine, refined breads and gluten.
#4 – Upset Stomach
If your stomach isn’t keeping food down — if you’re burping, getting heartburn or having a constantly upset stomach, these are pretty clear indications that the food you’re eating isn’t agreeing with you. Listen to your tummy!
#5 Pizza Face
If you’re getting acne all over, there could be something wrong with your diet. Too much insulin from sugary or refined foods can can trigger changes in your body that lead to the growth of pore-clogging cells. Insulin can also boost action in your oil glands. Fun! So stay away from white rice, white bread and sugar, and try to up your intake of antioxidants, Omega3s and anti-inflammatory foods!
#6 Headaches / Dizziness
If you’re dizzy and /or your head is throbbing, caffeine and sugar are the likely culprits. You could also be dehydrated! Be sure to drink a glass of water before bed, right when you wake up and keep a sports bottle with you that you can sip throughout the day.
#7 Sleep troubles
Foods that are hard to digest can keep you up at night, so stay away from rich and fatty meals right before bedtime!
#8 Anxiety
Anxiety can be your body’s way of telling you that you’re not getting enough B-12, Vitamin D, protein and / or essential fats. Sugar rushes and crashes can also wreak havoc on your emotions and create anxiety. Pay attention to your moods!