5 Ways To Have More Energy

As a trainer I spend a good part of my sessions with clients motivating them to give it 100% in every workout. This motivation doesn’t just end when the session ends, it carries over into other aspects of their lives. Unfortunately we can’t all have personal trainers and coaches at our backs all day everyday, so here are 5 ways to boost your energy and help keep you motivated throughout your workout and your day.

1. Fuel
Think of your body as if it were the most beautiful of Italian sports cars. You pull into the gas station, the attendant asks you if you’d like regular or premium, what do you say? Is there even a choice? We all know deep down what makes our bodies run smooth, efficient and gives us peak performance, so why do we choose to consume junk fuel? It’s as simple as this: Eat good food, have good energy.

2. Rest
Sleep plays a major factor not only in our energy levels at the gym but throughout the day as well. Even though some people may need more sleep then others it’s important for you to know how much sleep you require to lead a productive life. Pay attention to your bodies energy levels throughout the day. If you are tired its most likely for two reasons: You didn’t get enough sleep or your not eating foods that supply you with enough energy. Don’t get into the habit of drinking a cup of joe or taking a shot of 5 hour energy, as they may be spiking your energy, but they are reeking havoc on your body.

3. Focus
Life can be distracting sometimes, but you have to treat your workout like it’s your job. Leave your baggage at home. If you’re distracted while you’re at the gym you are not only going to slow down your own workout, but everyone else’s. You ever try to get work done at home while there’s a mess to clean up. It’s almost impossible. clear your mind, be ready to work and you’ll back to your life in no time.

4. Game Plan
Don’t waist your energy milling around the gym floor trying to figure out what exercise to do next. Go in with a game plan. have your workout written out in advance so you don’t waist time and energy. If you notice the people that look the fittest in the gym most likely have a note pad or some kind of written workout with them.

5. Have Fun!
Nothing says low energy like being bored. You are much more likely to go to the gym if are enjoying yourself. If you don’t like to lift weights then take a boot camp class. Not into tread mills, then how about Cardio Kick Boxing? Classes are a great way to get the ball rolling at the gym if you don’t have the cash to hire a personal trainer to keep you motivated.

Now you have the tools to be a success at the gym: Get a good nights rest, Eat healthy food, Mentally prepare, Go in with a game plan, and have some FUN. You’ll be looking great and feeling great in no time with all the energy you can handle.

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