George Rausch – Week 6

Half way down, six more weeks to go! To start, I want to share a before-and-after from Week 1 to Week 6. The change is very visible and rather shocking. This past week has been very interesting in that weight just seemed to fall off my body. On Tuesday, I weighed in at 173 lbs (that is a loss of 4 lbs in two weeks). Then on Friday, I weighed in again and was 170… an additional 3 founds had gone in three days! I discovered that I was eating massive breakfasts 5 days a week and it was keeping me from losing weight. On my work-out days, I ate oatmeal before the workout, then after, I was drinking my homemade protein smoothie (which was about 15-20 grams of protein) plus eating eggs and fruit. Yikes! So, now on workout days, I only have my smoothie as my breakfast and the other days I eat breakfast as usual. As a result, the weight keeps coming off.

My goal is to possibly reach 162.5 lbs by the end of this program. That’s the lowest weight that I’ve reached in the past; however, there has been discussion that once the body fat that I’ve been trying to lose comes off, I will need to alter my diet so I can start to focus on serious muscle building. It’s like a dance; it goes slow, then fast, and pretty soon we’re going to be back to slow and building a ripped body.

The hardest thing for me this week has been spending 3 days at a hotel resort for the Labor Day Weekend. That means restaurant food 3 times a day. I know, first world problems. But joking aside, this is a very serious issue that a lot of people face very day: food that you have no control over as the only option for what you can eat. I did the best that I could ordering salads, meats without breading or fattening sauces, avoiding bread baskets and desserts, as well as saying no to alcohol. Most of the weekend I suffered with minor acid reflux as the food was not as “clean” as I am used to making at home. I ended up not eating everything that was put in front of me and had to modify what I ordered more than once. Not in a million years did I think I’d be “that person” who says “hold the cheese” or “is there breading on the chicken” at a restaurant. Then again, I never thought my protruding stomach would go away and I’d be as strong as I am today. G

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