Hanson Tse – Massage

Hanson Tse is a NY-Licensed, CA-Certified Massage Therapist and a Nationally-Certified Holistic Aromatherapist.  He has worked in numerous settings and has also had the past privilege of providing massage to some of the elite runners of The New York City Marathon.

Rather than see the human body only as a musculoskeletal system, he views the body holistically as intelligent systems of interactive tissues, fluids, chemicals, relationships, and information and he takes a particular interest in exploring the manifestation of mind body and limits of human potential.

As a past participant of the SkyFit Challenge, Hanson has experienced first hand the life-changing work of Rob Dionne and he hopes to help others to find their healthiest, best selves during their fitness programs and beyond.

Aside from standard Swedish and Deep Tissue/Connective Tissue Therapy, he is heavily influenced by Cranio-Sacral Therapy/Somato-Emotional Release, Visceral Manipulation, Dr. Chikly’s Lymph Drainage Therapy, Continuum Movement, Native American Tracking, and Shing Yi Chuan (Body-Mind Boxing), and is the founder of the self-betterment practice of WAMBI Exploration (Wisdom through Awareness and Body Mind Integration).

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