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Open Sky Fitness is a collaboration between husband and wife team, Rob and Devon.
We understand that life gets in the way sometimes of your health. Having a career and building a family takes a lot of time and energy. It’s easy to forget to take care of yourself amongst all the craziness. Finding time to eat healthfully, exercise regularly and practice mindfulness seems so far away, but, the truth is, it’s at your fingertips. It just takes a little practice and consistency. Let us help you get there.
Our mission is to provide you with the best information out there. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle or figure out a way to juggle all the crazy stuff in your life, we’ll help you achieve the next level in your healthy lifestyle.
If you have found us through the Open Sky Fitness Podcast, you know it’s only been in the last few years that we have found a healthy balance. Before that, we struggled with change, knowing what and what not to eat, how to maintain our weight with health, when to take a break and rest, how to communicate to each other, and how to manage our time. It has been a long journey, and like you, we still have a lifetime of learning ahead of us. But, though we will always have more information to find, we want to share all we can with you so that your path can be easier and faster than ours.
When we are not working one-on-one with clients, we spend a lot of our time researching and chatting with the leaders in the health and fitness business, bringing you the most current information out there.
If you’d like to hear our personal stories, read below.
Thanks again for stopping by! 🙂

Hi, I’m Rob, and a few years ago I realized losing weight and building lean-muscle wasn’t as easy as I remember it being when I was in my 20’s.
Like many of you, I grew up as an athlete. I can’t remember a time I wasn’t fit as kid. I played soccer, baseball, volleyball, wrestled and swam up until college. I would lifeguard during the summer and play sports all year. It was awesome!
Then real life started.
After getting married in 2008 and struggling to carve out a career for myself as an actor/waiter/personal trainer, I started to notice that I wasn’t feeling or looking as good I used to. The real eye opening moment was when my wife snapped a not so flattering picture of me while on our honeymoon in Hawaii. Despite all efforts to delete this picture, it somehow survived over the years. I keep it around now to remind me how far I’ve come.
I was 31 years old and I hadn’t worked out consistently in who knows how long. I was depressed, over worked, and lacked any motivation. Sound familiar?
Over the last 8 years I’ve hacked my fitness by setting short term goals that would keep me active. I signed up for marathons, half-marathons, 5k & 10k races, Mud Runs, Spartan races, triathlons, body building and men’s physique competitions. I figured out that if I set goals, my mind remembers what it was like when I was a younger athlete. My body had no choice but to come along for the ride.
Without going into too much detail, I dropped that extra 30 pounds of fat, learned how to eat to maintain a body fat percentage below 10 percent and I’m feeling better than I’ve felt since I was in my early twenties. In fact, I could honestly say, I don’t think I’ve ever felt better.
I would like to help you do what I’ve done by providing you with all the tools you’ll need to succeed.
The first time I thought about weight was at age 11 when my ballet teacher told the class that everyone there needed to lose between 5-10 pounds. I remember thinking, “Oh yeah, of course…dancers have to be skinny.” There was no discussion of how to lose weight, what to eat, or what weight or food was healthy for a growing and athletic girl. So from age 11, I started seeing body fat around my waist and hating the way I looked naked. I cursed the cellulite at the bottom of my butt and hated to sit in shorts because my thigh would look wide and have dimples on the side. My body was not something I loved, but a cause of stress.
I looked good enough for the dance world yet I would make sure to weigh myself daily, eat less when I gained a pound or two, and binge on sugar when I was at the weight I wanted. I kept this going through my professional dance career in New York when I was exposed to GYROTONIC training. All of a sudden a world opened up for me. I wasn’t surrounded by dancers who wanted to look a specific way, but health conscious people who wanted to really understand movement, strength and flexibility because they loved their bodies. I started seeing myself differently and began to be amazed by anatomy and depths my body’s systems.
When my husband Rob and I moved to Los Angeles, one of my clients was Dr. Prudence Hall who specialized anti-aging medicine. Curious to learn more about her work she hired and trained me as a patient educator on bio-identical hormones. While I was learning about the internal body, I thought I should to take a look at my own insides. I was shocked when blood tests revealed that at age 28, my hormone levels were that of a perimenopausal woman and, even worse, I was pre-diabetic. Yes, I was “skinny”, but I was very sick and unhealthy.
I didn’t want to start taking hormones for the rest of my life, nor did I want to be on medication for diabetes. I knew I had to educate myself. I attended the Institute of Integrative Nutrition where I learned 100’s of different dietary theories as well as how to create a lifestyle around healthy habits.
Though we were motivated by different influences, Rob and I began the journey towards both our external and internal health together . We experimented with a ton of different diet plans, exercise modalities, psychotherapy, meditation, and time management skills. We supported each other on our individual journeys, leading us to the loving, healthful, and vibrant life that we have today. We wish the same for all of you.
We have put together all we have learned throughout the years into systems to help you do the same.

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