Adam Completes Week One!
Sky Fit Challenge – Video Blog #2 – Let the Games Begin! from Open Sky Fitness on Vimeo.
Day One is HERE!
…And what a day it was. I woke up and had no idea what to eat, that I will learn tomorrow with Christy, my nutritionist for the Challenge.
I show up at 9:00am, probably should have show up a bit earlier, since the stretching takes a good 10 minutes. You live and you learn.
Rob is there waiting for me. This guy is the man. So cool, so fit, so knowledgeable…and he can read me like a book, a couple squats and this guy knows everything about my physique, my posture, where I’m tight, where I’m weak, what makes me upset, what instruments i play, what my favorite movie is, what my relationship with my father is like…everything!
We start the routine and I’m doing good:
100 Sit ups: Check.
Heart Rate up: Check.
20 Push Ups: piece of cake.
Running up and down stairs 8 times: is that all you got?!
Then he tells me “now let’s start the work out.” Uh oh. I thought we were DONE with the work out.
The next hour of my life was filled with pain, soreness, weakness, and suffering. And it was AMAZING!
I did a double duty with Rob the past couple days since I’ll miss Friday for my Tahoe Ski trip! I’ll keep running when I get up there.
Great work outs…and by great I mean “I feel every muscle in my body all day long” kind of great.
I had an amazing meeting with the fantastic Christy of How To Chow, and we went over my entire eating schedule, hour by hour, and I’m loving it. I’m going from my first meal of the day being a late lunch and my last meal of the day a HUGE 10pm dinner to eating at 7am, 8am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm! And no ice cream sundae at the end…which has been trying, to say the least. I’m eating things I’ve never heard of. Like Quinoa for breakfast and a protein shake with a magical green powder in it! (see photo below). But I feel like a million bucks. A sore million bucks, but a million bucks none the less.