One Month Left of The Sky Fit Challenge. I've Lost 15 Pounds!
We are officially two thirds done with The Sky Fit Challenge with just one month to go! At the moment my weight is 186 pounds, down 15 pounds from the start. My body fat is 13.8% down 5%. Feels really good and I cant wait to see where I’m at when this is over.
Read MoreI Lost 12 Pounds Doing The Sky Fit Challenge!
How about that! Down in the 180’s for the first time since….. lets call it forever. The first thing that comes to mind is that I feel like I look better in clothes now. I always complained of clothes not fitting well but now I see it was me who didn’t fit well in clothes.
Read MoreJeff Is Seeing Major Results, Let's See The Numbers
Rob has created a six day workout regimen for Jeff. Three days out of the week Jeff trains with Rob doing a combination of circuit training and plyometrics. The remaining three days Jeff has been performing a high intensity cardio program on his own. What type of cardio?
Read MoreLets Keep On Track On Vacation
I’m seeing great results so far, but now I’ve got to to go out of town for a week. How do I keep up my diet and training when I’m not here in my safe zone where I can get everything I need? This will be a good test.
Read MoreOne Month and I Feel Great!!
One month is done, two months to go. 12 total workouts with Rob and a month of healthier eating with Christy. Here is what I have learned so far: The workouts are a lot easier for me than the eating. I show up to my training with Rob, do what he says and an hour…
Read MoreThree Weeks In and People Notice a Change!!!
Three weeks down and I’m feeling good. One thing that’s nice is people are starting to notice. Friends here and there have said some nice things about how I look. Tell you what, when you’ve spent the better part of your life looking a little thick, that’s nice to here.
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