Circuit Leg and Shoulder Workout…

So as you can see we are starting to form a pattern here.  Legs and shoulders, Chest and Tri’s and Back and Bi’s.  This is a pretty simple way to hit all the muscle groups with a 3 day a week schedule.  If you are just starting out in the gym or just getting back into training this is a great way to begin.  For those individuals who don’t have the luxury of having a trainer or don’t have the knowledge to constantly update and tweek their workouts, sticking to a simple routine for a month at a time is usually a great way to slowly build your library of exercises.   Using this website will be a great tool for you to keep updating and furthering your knowledge.  Check out the next circuit training by clicking on this link…


1. Hamstrings
2. Calves
3. Lower Back Twist

1. Crunch with hand on thighs
2. Crunch with twist
3. Bicycles
4. Toe Touches
5. Reverse Crunch

1. Floor Bridges

1. Kneeling Push-ups- Do 10 pushups with your knees on the floor to warm up your chest for today’s circuit.

CARDIO-Again when doing your cardio be sure to keep your intensity high enough that speaking in full sentences is difficult, but not impossible.  Try to reach at least 20 minutes today even if the last few minutes have to be at a slow pace.

Circuit Training #1

1. Lunge to curl, press and balance- These are the same ones we started on on day one.  Remember you’re doing 10-12 on each leg. (Muscles: Quads, Gluts, Biceps, Deltoids, Upper Trapezius)

Dead Lift

Dead Lift

2. Dead lifts– Go for a moderate weight your first time doing these.  I would say 95lbs would be a good bet to start on.  That would be a straight bar with 2 25lb weights on each side.  You will be doing 15 reps.  Remember I’m not with you so be mindful of your positioning.  Keep a straight back and remember to bend your knees.  A lot of people seem to think they need to do Dead Lifts with straight legs, but that will put way too much pressure on your back. (Muscles: Hamstrings, Gluts, and Quads)

Leg Press

Leg Press

3. Leg Press- You can choose to do leg press on a machine like this where you have to add plates or you can use a cable machine.  Either way is good.  Remember to keep your knees going straight over the toes and to only bend them to 90 degrees before pressing back up. (Muscles: Quads and Gluts)

4. 30 Reverse Crunches


Circuit Training #2

1. Standing Neutral Dumbbell Shoulder Press- Neutral just refers to the position of the hands.  If you’ll notice the palms are facing inward.  Pick a weight that is easy enough that you can do 15 reps, but difficult enough not to be able to get to 20-25.

Standing Neutral Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Standing Neutral Dumbbell Shoulder Press

2. Shoulder Flyes with Balance–  Refer to circuit #1 from the day one workout.

3. Shoulder Shrugs- Shrugs are pretty self explanatory, but if you are not sure how to do them, I’ll explain.  From standing position holding a dumbbell in each hand, shrug your shoulders as high as you can toward your ears.  Do night roll you shoulders forward or back, you are only raising and lowering.  Try to pause a the top for 1 to 2 seconds and release down slowly.  Do 15 reps.

4. Planks- These you remember again from circuit #2 on day one.  They will be quite tough on the shoulders especially after this workout.


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