Dare to Be Different-Ep. 106
Why You Should Dare to be Different!
Go on and dare to be different! When it comes to our dreams and goals, we can sometimes feel a bit uneasy about them because we’re afraid of what other people may think of them. Hopefully you know people in your life who are supportive of your decisions. If people are negative, you shouldn’t let that get in the way of who you want to become and what you want to do with your life.
On this week’s podcast, Rob shares with us why it’s okay to be different and why you shouldn’t hold back on what you want to do with your life. If your goal is to become a healthier person, you shouldn’t worry whether it’s “normal” or not to pick healthier options. Don’t let society and unsupportive people hold you back just because what you’re doing with your life is different than what other people do.
Rob and Devon love to answer any of your health and wellness questions! This week, Rob took sometime to answer one listener’s question on how to gain muscle fast. Check it out!
How to Gain Muscle
One of our listeners, Chris, has turned his life around by making significantly healthier choices. His decision to life a healthy lifestyle has helped him lose 50 pounds! Continuing to focus on his health and fitness, Chris asked Rob about how can he gain muscle mass.
What new exercises should he do? What should he pay attention to as far as what his body is telling him? Can he take extra protein and if so, how much of it should he have?
To gain muscless mass, Rob’s suggestion is to mix up your workout to confuse the body’s muscles and to strengthen everything. Different programs like P90X includes a 6 day program to give you a great variety of different types of cardio with bands and HIIT workouts to build strong muscles. However, a program like P90X won’t necessarily help person gain bigger muscles.
Having Difficulty Gaining Muscle?
If you’ve hit a road block with gaining muscle mass, try using heavier weights that work your arms, legs, back, and core to trigger adaptation and force your muscles to work harder than they were before. Add weights to different body core exercises like pull-ups, crunches, and lunges. You don’t need to lift a lot of weights, just try rotating it in once or twice a week with a program like P90X.
How Much Protein Should You Intake?
As far as protein intake (grams) for a moderately active person, the most the average person can really have is 50% of their body weight. So if you weight 200 pounds, you should take 100 grams. If you are taking supplements or steroids, then you can take more protein because your muscles can handle the extra amount.
To learn more about this topic, check out Rob’s blog post, How to Gain Weight Fast.
To help you plan your workout program, Rob has a free workout template to help you get started. Just text the one word, “lifting” to 33444 to get the downloadable link.
Get a Free Jump-Start Workout Guide 2.0 From Rob
This guidebook includes Rob and Devon’s top healthy recipes, favorite workouts, and tips for accomplishing goals. Just text the word, “workout” to 44222 to get your free copy. You can also download the guidebook via your computer by visiting the Open Sky Fitness website. It’s as simple as that!
Have a Question or Review for Rob or Devon?
We love answering questions and getting feedback from you, our listener! If you have any questions to ask us, a review of the show, or suggestions on guests/topics that you think would be great to have on the show, just email Rob at rob@openskyfitness.com or leave us a review at www.openskyfitness.com/review or text OSFreview to 33444 to get the link.
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
0:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:15 Open Sky Fitness Opening with Rob
2:10 How can you gain strong muscle after losing excess body fat? How much protein should you intake?
9:50 Why do we fear to be different?
13:05 How people who are different can change the world.
19:30 Why would you want to be normal?
21:50 Changing and being different to find out what works for your health.
24:10 Start thinking, “Why not?!” instead of “Why?”
27:00 Find joy in the Now and allow others to do the same.
28:25 Closing Remarks by Rob
30:42 Open Sky Fitness Closing
- To learn more about how you can gain muscle and weight fast, check out Rob’s latest OSF blog post, How to Gain Weight Fast
- To learn more about P90X, check out Rob’s interview with the workout program creator, Tony Horton-How Tony Horton Changed The Face of Fitness
- To check out the P90X workout program, click here: https://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/p90x.do
- Check out our new Open Sky Fitness website!
- Leave us a review or question at http://openskyfitness.com/review
To Download Rob’s FREE workout templates click below**
Ask Rob a Question or tell him what is working for you: Email Rob@OpenSkyFitness.com
To leave a Review for Rob and the Open Sky Fitness Podcast CLICK NOW! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each and every one of them.
Contact our amazing sound engineer Ryan? Send him an e-mail here: info@stellarsoundsstudio.com
Thanks for Listening!
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 106-Dare to Be Different. We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you!