Hunter McIntrye: Evolution of a Spartan Athlete-Ep. 99
We had two special guests on this week’s episode of the Open Sky Fitness Podcast. One of our previous guests, Evan Dollard, teamed up with Rob to talk to fellow extreme obstacle athlete, Hunter McIntyre. Evan was the 2008 male winner of American Gladiators and also competed on American Ninja Warrior 2. Hunter is Spartan Race Athlete and has been featured on the TV show, Boundless.
Next up in both of their careers, they are participating in NBC’s Summer Spartan Ultimate Challenge which begins airing on Monday, June 13th. Evan is the Field Reporter of the show while Hunter leads on one of the teams through the race as a Spartan Elite.
We had an amazing time on the show while learning more about Hunter and his story about how he came to be a Spartan Athlete. It’s a wild journey of how he evolved from being a mischievous high school kid to a logger and how that path eventually led him to become one of the world’s best short course and long course extreme obstacle athletes.
Hunter’s story is truly inspiring and one of a kind. He also shared with us how participating in specific training events such as the SEALFIT Kokoro Camp really helped him mature and become the leader that he is today.
About Hunter McIntyre
Hunter possesses a unique and potent combination of strength and endurance. As an avid student of the Crossfit Endurance training method he’s successfully welded the physique and strength of a Crossfit competitor with the endurance of a marathon runner.
Hunter AKA ‘The Sheriff” loves to perform with the showmanship of a WWF wrestler. He is, however, an inveterate lover of all things- particularly life. At the age of just 27 he’s already been a lumberjack in Montana, a party “enthusiast”, and a male model. His wild and crazy charisma shines, Hunter, was born to entertain!
His passion for life is built around creating each day to be better than the day before. Hunter’s fanatical love for Obstacle Course Racing pushes him every day to the limits, while cultivating his goals of continuing to be the very best athlete the sport has to offer. Hunter inspires others to athleticism by demonstrating the sheer fun of life.
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We’re giving away a copy of Two Awesome Hours: Science-Based Strategies to Harness Your Best Time and Get Your Most Important Work Done
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What You’ll Hear on This Episode
0:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:10 Opening Remarks by Rob
14:45 Introduction to Hunter McIntyre
19:58 Hunter’s experience as a logger and his life transformation.
22:20 Hunter’s path to his career: missed and new opportunities.
23:45 How did you become involved with the Spartan Race competition?
25:10 How did you train and prepare for these competitions?
26:48 What was your athletic background in high school?
28:56 What is the SEALFIT Kokoro Camp like? What did you take away from this training?
32:15 What draws you in to participate in Kokoro Camp and other intense training activities?
33:20 How have you evolved over the years as an athlete and person?
36:00 Do you have a personal mission statement that you follow and live by?
39:10 How does someone train to become a Spartan Race competitor?
47:19 What was your experience like on Boundless?
52:30 How are you able to stay mentally sane and keep going during an obstacle race?
54:30 What other obstacle races do you have coming up?
55:25 How do you stay strong to compete in a variety of short course and long course obstacle races?
56:38 Do you think you would ever compete in an event such as American Ninja Warrior?
1:00:25 When you face a setback, what pushes you to continue on as a strong and positive person?
1:04:10 Closing Remarks by Rob and Evan
1:09:36 Open Sky Fitness Closing
- To learn more about Hunter McIntyre, click here: http://www.huntermcintyre.com/#intro-1
- To check out SEALFIT Kokoro Camp, click here: http://sealfit.com/sealfit-events/sealfit-kokoro-camp/
- To listen to Rob’s other Open Sky Fitness interviews with Evan Dollard, click here: Interview with American Gladiator and Ninja Warrior Evan Dollard -Ep. 52 Natalie Jill and Evan Dollard: How to Set Goals For the New Year-Ep. 78
- To learn about Obstacle Dominator, click here: http://obstacledominator.com/
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Ask Rob a Question or tell him what is working for you: Email Rob@OpenSkyFitness.com
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Contact our amazing sound engineer Ryan? Send him an e-mail here: info@stellarsoundsstudio.com
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 99-Hunter McIntyre: Evolution of a Spartan Athlete. We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you!