Jeff Is Seeing Major Results, Let's See The Numbers
It has been six weeks and we are half way through the Sky Fit Challenge.
Rob has created a six day workout regimen for Jeff. Three days out of the week Jeff trains with Rob doing a combination of circuit training and plyometrics. The remaining three days Jeff has been performing a high intensity cardio program on his own. What type of cardio? Well, because Jeff has a treadmill at home this seemed the easy solution, but to mix it up he has also been swimming, cycling and playing tennis.
Jeff has seen some major results in the last six weeks. From his weight to his waist line. If he’s had this much success so far, how much will he achieve by the end of these 12 weeks? Check out his results so far:
Jeff has lost a total of 12 pounds in 6 weeks and decreased his body fat by 4 percent. That is an amazing accomplishment. He has also lost an inch in his waist and legs, but everything else has pretty much stayed the same. Why? Well, Jeff is converting his fat to muscle mass. We may not see it clearly with the circumference measurements, but we have to remember muscle is denser then fat. So, as Jeff works out his body my get bigger where he’s building muscle, but it will shred fat in other places. Let’s see a progression of Jeff from week one to week six.
As you can see Jeff has had significant fat loss throughout his midsection. In the first week there were no signs of oblique muscles along the rib cage, but now we are starting to see some real definition there. And he has obviously lost quite a bit of that tire around the waist line.
Way to go Jeff, you’re looking great! Keep up the good work!

Jeff Doing A Long Jump