John Allen Mollenhauer: How to End Performance Anxiety-Ep.96
On this week’s Open Sky Fitness Podcast, Rob had the chance to sit down and talk with John Allen Mollenhaur about how we can end our performance anxiety and begin living a performance lifestyle. For anyone who compares themselves to other people; has an addiction to becoming the best without giving themselves a rest; or is constantly fighting a mental battle about who they are- this is a great interview to listen to today.
It’s a great reminder of the importance of taking care of ourselves: it’s great to have goals, but you need to be gentle with yourself and take care of your body and mind.
About John Allen Mollenhauer
Known as “John Allen” or by his initials “JAM,” John Allen Mollenhauer is the founder of Performance Lifestyle, Inc., a transformational education, training, and coaching company that helps entrepreneurs and business professionals recover from burnout and adopt the lifestyle mindset and skill set all balanced and healthy, high-achieving people know and live by.
As a seasoned entrepreneur who’s experienced the stress, exhaustion, and fatigue of modern work life, JAM has become one of the leading Performance Lifestyle Advisors worldwide. He specializes in the evolutionary science of flow and personal energy management for breakthrough performance and quality of life.
Free OSF Webinar
We’ll be having a webinar to cover the 6 Simple Ways to Burn Fat, While Building Lean Muscle on Thursday, May 19 at both 4pm and 7pm PST. To sign up for the webinar, just text the words freewebinar to 33444 or online via http://openskyfitness.com/freewebinar
In this Free Webinar we’ll cover
- A step-by-step guide to having the body you want.
- Why knowing your body type is the start to setting realistic goals.
- Using physical adaptation to your advantage.
- What foods to AVOID of at all costs!
- Debunk some of the industries BIGGEST fitness myths.
Free Book Giveaway
We’re continuing our current book giveaway until Thursday, May 19th for a copy of Strong Is the New Skinny: How to Eat, Live, and Move to Maximize Your Power by Jennifer Cohen. We will do a name drawing to find out who the winner is this week.
To enter the book giveaway, just complete the following steps:
- Go to our show notes and click on the review link (openskyfitness.com/review) or get started via your phone by texting OSFreview to 33444.
- Leave us a review.
- Take a screen shot of what you wrote in the review.
- Email that screen shot along with your mailing address to Rob (rob@openskyfitness.com).
Good luck!
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
0:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:13 Opening Remarks by Rob and Devon
2:00 The importance of taking care of yourself when you’re dead set on accomplishing goals.
6:32 What is Performance Anxiety/Performance Addiction?
12:45 Introduction to John Allen Mollenhauer
13:47 JAM’s personal story: How does a person become a specialist in the science of flow and personal energy management?
17:50 What created JAM’s Performance Anxiety?
25:00 What is the curse of a capable person? How is it defined?
31:26 How do you implement your strategy on a day-to-day basis to prevent Performance Anxiety?
36:40 How do we create these stories of ourselves? How can these stories hold us back and affect our self-esteem?
39:00 How is that people with Performance Addiction need to come up with an answer for everything?
40:10 How can feedback distort our future thinking and how we see ourselves? What are the consequences?
42:47 How many people suffer from Performance Addiction/Performance Anxiety
44:44 What do you say to people who feel like this transition is a step back for them? How can people follow a Performance Lifestyle?
49:15 Getting over Performance Addiction and beginning a Performance Lifestyle can take some time.
54:15 Your thoughts are just your thoughts and they can change.
55:30 You can know who you truly are; what your purpose is; and change how you think.
58:35 After you find out who you are and what your purpose is; you need to be able to manage your energy to avoid burn out from feeling so free.
1:05:00 How can people begin living a Performance Lifestyle?
1:13:45 Closing Remarks by Rob and Devon
1:16:10 Open Sky Fitness Closing
To learn more about the book, The Curse of the Capable: The Hidden Challenges to a Balanced, Healthy, High-Achieving Life by http://www.amazon.com/Curse-Capable-Challenges-Balanced-High-Achieving/dp/1600376622 , click here:
Begin a Performance Lifestyle today by visiting: performancelifestyle.com
Reach out to John Allen Mollenhauer to begin a Performance Lifestyle: performancelifestyleadvisor.com
To learn more about the book that we’re giving away this week, click here: Strong Is the New Skinny: How to Eat, Live, and Move to Maximize Your Power by Jennifer Cohen
To Download Rob’s FREE workout templates click below**
Ask Rob a Question or tell him what is working for you: Email Rob@OpenSkyFitness.com
To leave a Review for Rob and the Open Sky Fitness Podcast CLICK NOW! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each and every one of them.
Contact our amazing sound engineer Ryan? Send him an e-mail here: info@stellarsoundsstudio.com
Thanks for Listening!
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 96: How to End Performance Anxiety . We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you!