Josh Radnor (Ted Mosby, HIMYM) On How Meditation Has Transformed His Life and Career – Ep. 25
Josh Radnor (Ted Mosby, HIMYM) On How Meditation Has Transformed His Life and Career
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Improve Your Life with Meditation
“When actors ask me for my one piece of advice, I always tell them to meditate. The thing that will take you down, personally and professionally, is your mind.” – Josh Radnor
In this episode, we talked to Josh Radnor (Ted Mosby from”How I Met Your Mother”) about how meditation saved him from depression after a break-up and has helped him handle the ups-and-downs of life as an actor.
Josh meditates with a mantra in mind but says even just shutting your eyes for 20 minutes a day can be profoundly helpful.
“The mind is designed to think the way the heart is designed to beat and the lungs are designed to breathe, but it does a lot of lousy thinking. Even if you don’t have a mantra, the very act of closing your eyes for 10 – 20 minutes and not doing anything brings your mind to a subtle strata, the place where all thoughts and feelings originate.” – Josh Radnor
Learning How to Meditate
“I’m not saying meditation makes you immune to the human experience. It’s not a narcotizing thing. I actually think it makes you more sensitive, but you can process things a little quicker. If you grieve, you grieve hard, and it moves through you. There’s a fluidity to feelings and thoughts and you don’t get hooked.” – Josh Radnor
Josh first found healing in meditation after suffering from a bout of depression post-breakup. He says he hasn’t felt that same level of melancholy since he began his practice.
It’s fitting that we talk about meditation in the second half of the podcast because the first half is pure stream-of-conscious silliness.
What Else You’ll Hear on the Episode
We discuss the high-class, low-class ways of presenting toilet paper to guests, Jeff’s uncanny ability to sense the presence of cookies from dozens of feet away, and how Alek consistently fails to resist the foods his kids are eating.
Oh, and we also talk about what’s been the most meaningful, transformative advice we’ve heard thus far on the podcast.
You’re not going to want to miss this one!
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 25 – Josh Radnor On How Meditation Has Transformed His Life and Career! We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you.