Posts Tagged ‘weight lifting’

How to Prepare for a Men's Physique

Rob is 7 weeks away from competing in the NPC Los Angeles Men’s Physique Competition. He talks about his process and what it takes to get down to 3% body fat over the next month and a half.

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5 Secrets to Successful Resolutions

Happy Holidays!  It’s that magical time of year when there seems to be a party every day of the week and an endless amount of baked goods at the work place. This doesn’t help us if our goal is to make it through the holidays without gaining unwanted weight.  If you’re like the rest of…

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How Will Exercise Help Me Lose Weight Faster?

In the last post I already covered how the concept of calorie counting works in regards to losing weight. Now lets say for example, you have just figured out that your body burns 2500 calories a day to maintain your weight and you’ve decided to consume 2000 calories a day to shed a couple pounds.…

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