Jeff M.: Sky Fit Challenger 1

Jeff Headshot 5Hi. My name is Jeff and I’ll be taking the Sky Fit Challenge for the next 3 months and want to share my journey with you. Basically, it goes like this. I’m in decent shape, I work out, play sports but I also eat a lot and don’t stay consistent with my workout. So, that means the love handles don’t go away and that layer of fat doesn’t leave. So, what happens when I take my buddy the personal trainer (Rob Dionne) and my wife the Holistic Health Counselor (Christy Meyers) and have them put me on a 3 month plan? Listen, I’m not one to go crazy like Arnold in the 70’s and eat a full cow & protein shakes all day. I also don’t want to work out so hard that I throw up after the workout and can’t lift the cell phone to my ear for 3 hours. So what does it take? Portion control? No late night eating? Making sure I don’t cheat my workouts? etc, etc. Maybe? Or maybe it’s more than that. I don’t know, so that’s what I’m going to learn from these two pretty people and then share it with you.

Okay, so that’s my intro to what is going to happen. Here is more about me. I’m from the east coast but have lived in LA for 2 1/2 years. I, like so many in LA, am an actor and hoping to make it big. I’ve been married to a wicked awesome lady for 1 year but we have been together since 2002. I grew up in Connecticut and Florida, splitting time between my parents. School in FL, summers ad vacations in New England. I love movies, sports, my crazy family and having to shave my chest hair down cause I have Irish blood that gives you a hairy body and a thinning head. I went to college at SUNY Purchase and have a BFA in Acting. I just turned 30, enough said.

Day one was Monday July 20th. I started the day at 8am (waking up early is also a problem of mine) had a piece of Organic Spelt bread w/ hummus from the Hollywood Farmers Market and sliced cucumber. At 10am I did my first workout with Rob that consisted of Chest & Back workouts with abs & legs being a constant through the next 3 months. Rob works outside using bands, balls, stairs and a super cool homemade pull up bar. It was warm out but growing up on the humid east coast I did okay. By the end of the hour, my abs were soar, I was sweating up a storm and ready for more food and a cold shower. At 11:45 I made myself a post workout shake using RiceDay One BodyDream’s Chocolate Rice Drink, one scoop of Whey Protein Power (Biochem Raw Foods & Whey Vanilla flavor), berries and Vitality SuperGreen. For more info on that green drink or foods I’m eating go to Christy’s website But no worries, as we go along, I’ll have more info for you on these products. Lunch was at 2:45. Salad with Chicken (the Chicken came from the Chicken guy at the Hollywood Farmers Mkt. It is unbelievable!). Dinner was at 7pm, we had Fish (on sale at Whole Foods) with roasted Sweet Potatoes and broccoli. Day one in the books. Feeling good, little soar.

Couple more things for you to know about me and this whole experiment. I love cookies, those are my nemesis and I will not give them up. So, I will help you and me by finding the best cookies in town that are not filled with sugar and processed junk. I know a lot of people work during the week and don’t have time for cooking all day. No worries, I’m going to search for all the best lunch & dinner places in LA with good , healthy, organic food cause Christy wont have it any other way. I’m not a wealthy person (at least not yet) so I will help you and me buy finding what is good for you but wont break the bank. As for the workouts, I have so much to learn from Rob and will share my new knowledge with you. As the weeks move along I will give you pics of my bodies progress and tell you what worked for me and what didn’t. Join in, read along and hopefully I can be proof that a little more effort and guidance from 2 people who have already changed so many lives can really make a difference for me.

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