Dr. Josh Davis: How to be Super Effective-Ep. 89
How to Begin a Personal Trainer Career
This week on Open Sky Fitness, Rob and Devon share what inspired them to become personal trainers; what certificates they received and what they recommend to study; their experience in the field and many tips and insights on what to expect when you begin your own career. If you’re considering a career in fitness, this will be a great podcast to listen to in order to learn more about how to get started!
Become Super Effective & Improve Productivity Today!
Then Rob talks with this week’s guest, Josh Davis, about how we can become super effective and improve our productivity for both career tasks and fitness goals. We’ve got lots of great pieces of advice and examples for you this week to help you manage your time better and be more efficient! From avoiding distractions, how to take a healthy break; and how to fit your workout into your busy schedule and more. We hope you take a lot away from the Open Sky Fitness podcast this week.
About Dr. Josh Davis
Josh Davis, Ph.D. is the author of Two Awesome Hours: Science-Based Strategies to Harness Your Best Time and Get Your Most Important Work Done. He holds a bachelors from Brown University and a PhD from Columbia University. His past work has included mechanical engineering, teaching in a Brooklyn Public High School, and serving on the faculty in the Department of Psychology at Barnard College of Columbia University.
Currently, he is the Director of Research and Lead Professor for the NeuroLeadership Institute. He also coaches and trains individuals in the art of public speaking and managing being overwhelmed. His writing has appeared in Harvard Business Review, Business Insider, Fast Company, Huffington Post, strategy+business, Training + Development, People & Strategy, the NeuroLeadership Journal (which he co-edits), Psychology Today, and others.
What you will hear in this episode:
00:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
02:25 OSF Podcast reviews
04:05 Rob´s recommendation for taking courses to become a personal trainer
05:10 Rob´s Top 5/most popular personal training certifications in the USA
06:20 How to choose a personal training certification
08:00 The pros and cons of getting a job at a corporate gym as a personal trainer
11:00 National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) vs. ACE certification
12:45 Choosing any certificate as a starting place to grow your fitness and health career.
14:15 How Rob and Devon got into personal training as a career.
20:50 Advice on receiving a nutrition certification.
23:00 Closing remarks from Rob and Devon about getting certificates to work as a personal trainer.
24:00 Introduction to Josh Davis.
25:50 How Josh came to write Two Awesome Hours.
27:15 We can have moments when we´re at our very best.
27: 45 How can we set up conditions to be at our very best.
31:15 Prepping to be ready to go to work hard.
32:15 Not trusting ourselves to be prepared and how to overcome it.
34:00 How to be present and in the moment for the things that matter.
35:30 Is there a pill or something a person can do to be able to do anything with their brain?
37:20 How to take coffee to make the most out of it.
40:35 How to recognize your decision points; how to decide which task to start with first and what´s the most important task.
46:55 Is there a way to know which task is the most important when you begin work of after a pause?
50:35 When you`re in the Clear and Focused zone vs. the Frantic Zone
51:25 Manage your mental energy: How to set yourself up for success instead of failure.
56:00 How to balance your mental energy for both the gym and your workday.
58:00 You do have control over your emotions and can influence them.
1:01:15 Using exercise as a strategic tool for productivity and reducing anxiety.
1:06:30 How to stop fighting your daily distractions. Why distractions can be a good thing.
1:08:55 What benefits happen when your mind wanders on autopilot.
1:14:45 Why you become distracted when you try to avoid thinking about it at all costs.
1:16:30 How to distract yourself and effectively take a break from productive work.
1:18:25 Eat better by identifying and focusing on when and where you will eat the healthy food.
1:20:30 Be at your best mentally and emotionally for productivity with stable blood sugar.
1:22:50 How to strategically enhance your environment to be more productive and focus clearer throughout the day.
1:29:45 What a day in the life of Josh Davis’ looks like.
1:33:00 How you can sign up for the Two Awesome Hours Newsletter and get more hints from Josh about being more productive.
1:35:25 Closing Remarks by Rob.
1:36:45 Open Sky Fitness Closing
If you want to learn more about Josh Davis and his work, go to http://www.twoawesomehours.com/
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 89: How to be Super Effective. We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you!