Selene Yeager: The Evolution of the Fitness World-Ep.113
What’s Happening In Your Fitness World?
“Life is happening to you right now; you might as well embrace it.”– Selene Yeager
Before you jump into listening to my interview with Selene Yeager about The Evolution of the Fitness World, take a moment to think about what’s going on with your own health and wellness. Are you on the right track to reaching the goals that you want to achieve? Are you sticking to eating healthier and working out on a regular basis?
Why did you start this health journey and process? What was your own “a-ha moment” and fitness evolution?
Last week on Episode 112: Dr Jonny Bowden-Breaking Down Cholesterol and Nutrition Myths, Devon and I shared some tips on how you can begin to live a healthier life and we’d love to hear your progress! You can share it with us however you like including our new Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group on Facebook.
Take Baby Steps Towards Fitness Goals
If you didn’t start any of the healthy habit tasks that we talked about last week, just remember that you don’t have to complete the tasks perfectly. This exercise is just to help you get a good start on creating healthy goals and it’s all about taking baby steps.
We all go through different processes to get healthy and the length of that process will vary from person to person. If you only focus on the end result, you can get easily frustrated. Take it one day, one goal, one meal, or one workout at a time and before you know it, you will accomplish what you want to get done and be where you want to be!
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About Selene Yeager
Selene is a top-selling professional health and fitness writer. She has authored, co-authored, and contributed to more than two dozen book titles. Her work has appeared in numerous media including Details, Shape, O, the Oprah Magazine, Oz, the Good Life, Fitness, Redbook, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Marie Claire, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Runner’s World, More, Cooking Light, The Bottom Line, and Cosmopolitan.
You can learn more about training, nutrition, and other pieces of advice from Selene each week as Bicycling Magazine’s “Fit Chick”. Selene is also a certified personal trainer, USA Cycling certified coach, pro mountain bike racer, and All-American Ironman triathlete.
Get Fast: Plyometric Workout for Speed and Power with Selene Yeager
Check Out The Brand New Open Sky Fitness Podcast Facebook Page
That’s right! We’ve started an Open Sky Fitness Podcast group, where you and everyone will have the opportunity to talk about your health and fitness goals in a safe environment. We’ll be posting workouts and starting discussions about how to be strategic around finding a healthier you. Check it out!
Have a Question or Review for Rob or Devon?
We love answering questions and getting feedback from you, our listener! If you have any questions to ask us, want to share a review of the show, or tell us any suggestions for guests/topics that you think would be great to have on the show, just email Rob at rob@openskyfitness.com or Devon at devon@openskyfitness.com or you can also leave us a review at www.openskyfitness.com/review and even text OSFreview to 33444 to get the link.
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
0:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:10 Episode Opening with Rob
3:45 Check out the Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group!
4:00 Tiny, baby footsetps to becoming a healthier you.
6:00 What was your a-ha moment along your fitness journey?
12:40 Introduction to interview with Selene Yeager.
13:30 Selene’s career as a fitness writer.
16:30 Where did your passion for cycling and fitness begin?
19:30 What’s it like to be in a mountain bike race as a woman?
25:50 How does training compare when it comes to women and men? For biking competitions?
29:50 The evolution of fitness and athleticism for women: Why are women better at swimming?
31:15 What is it like to swim competitively in fresh water vs. salt water?
31:50 The Evolution of Fitness: Beliefs, Fads, and Myths
36:30 Who is responsible for fads and myths about health and fitness? What do women want?
38:30 What type of magazine article title would entice you to read it?
39:00 Myth: Do men and women have to be afraid of growing big muscles?
40:20 What are your thoughts on long distance cardio vs. HIIT training?
41:10 How can people do long distance cycling and HIIT to lose weight? For competition?
43:15 Do you find long-distance exercise to be meditative?
44:35 What does your training schedule look like?
45:20 Do you do any cross-training along with cycling?
47:00 Does it help you to cycle in groups and to have accountability training partners?
49:00 What’s your take on nutrition? What have you noticed over the years with Nutrition Evolution?
53:35 Why you can’t follow both a high-fat (Ketogenic) and high-carb diet at the same time.
57:00 How New-Age technology and the internet helps us to better understand nutrition and health.
1:00:45 Fact or Fiction: Can pregnant women continue working out throughout their pregnancy?
1:02:45 What can women expect during pregnancy with their weight?
1:05:20 What piece of advice would you give to people?
1:06:55 Closing comments with Rob
1:10:10 Open Sky Fitness Closing
- To learn more about Selene Yeager, check out her official webiste by clicking here: https://seleneyeager.com/
- To check out Selene Yeager’s Facebook page, click here: https://www.facebook.com/FitChickSeleneYeager/?fref=ts
- To read ROAR by Selene Yeager and Dr. Stacy Sims, click here: https://www.amazon.com/ROAR-Fitness-Physiology-Optimum-Performance/dp/1623366860/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
- To read, Ride Your Way Lean by Selene Yeager, click here: https://www.amazon.com/Ride-Your-Way-Lean-Ultimate/dp/1605294063/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
- To read Every Women’s Guide to Cycling by Selene Yeager, click here: https://www.amazon.com/Every-Womans-Guide-Cycling-Everything/dp/0451223047/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
- To read more books by Selene Yeager, click here: https://www.amazon.com/Selene-Yeager/e/B001IR1PLC
- To check out our episode, MIKE ISRAETEL: PROPER WEIGHT LIFTING TECHNIQUES-EP.80, click here: https://openskyfitness.com/mike-israetel-proper-weight-lifting-techniques-ep-80/
- To learn about the first person to swim from Florida to Cuba, Diana Nyad, click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_Nyad
- To learn about Dr. Eric Goodman’s Foundation Training, click here: https://www.foundationtraining.com/
To Download Rob’s FREE workout templates click below**
Ask Rob a Question or tell him what is working for you: Email Rob@OpenSkyFitness.com
To leave a Review for Rob and the Open Sky Fitness Podcast CLICK NOW! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each and every one of them.
Contact our amazing sound engineer Ryan? Send him an e-mail here: info@stellarsoundsstudio.com
Thanks for Listening!
Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 113-Selene Yeager: The Evolution of the Fitness World. We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you!