Adam Completes Week One!
Great work outs…and by great I mean “I feel every muscle in my body all day long” kind of great.
Read MoreSky Fit Challenge Giveaway Winner!
We are excited to announce the winner of the Sky Fit Challenge Giveaway. Congratulations Adam Shapiro! We will be posting his all of his progress for the next 3 months right here on and, so stay tuned.
Read MoreWhat Is The Sky Fit Challenge?
The Sky Fit Challenge is a 12 Week Life Changing Intensive Program developed by Rob Dionne, founder of Open Sky Fitness with Nutrition development by Christy Meyers, founder of How To Chow Nutrition.
Read MoreJeff Lost 21 Pounds on the Sky Fit Challenge!
I owe the Sky Fit Challenge more than words can describe. During these 3 months I booked jobs on TV shows, worked around the world, made good money and slept better than ever! It never hurts to hear people tell you that you look great and notice you’ve lost weight. Honestly, it made me feel so much better about myself. A confidence grew over these last few months and the insecurities slowly started to go away.
Read MoreHow Do I Keep Healthy At Work?
The body took some hard hits this week. I barely got a chance to work out and the food at the hotel and late dinners were good but not healthy. And that’s okay cause life can get in the way from time to time. I surely don’t have a 9 to 5 schedule and sometimes I have to travel last minute. The solution is: Don’t give up!
Read MoreJeff Lost 17 Pounds So Far!!!
With nine weeks down in the Sky Fit Challenge here is what I’ve learned so far. For workouts, three days a week over a five day period seems to be perfect. Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays is ideal giving me one weekend day off.
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