40 Gratitude Strategies For Life with Scott Colby – Ep. 264
40 Gratitude Strategies For Life with Scott Colby
“Gratitude can help with your fitness because when you’re happy, more joyful, and more positive, you’re going to make better choices. You’re going to eat better, feel better, and perform better.” – Scott Colby
Who really cares about reps and sets when what we’re truly looking for is happiness and a sense of worth within ourselves?
Tune in this week as Author of The Grateful Entrepreneur and Founder of Say It With Gratitude, Scott Colby shares what practices and healthy habits we can follow to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
In this episode, you will learn:
- Scott’s shift from focusing on just being a personal trainer to searching for a higher purpose and self-fulfillment.
- The trip he took to Guatemala to volunteer and help a community grow by building a classroom.
- Life lessons about gratitude, happiness, and community that he learned from his time in Guatemala.
- Easy ways to we can spread gratitude with our community and the positive impact of it on our own wellness.
- Why consistency is truly the key to gratitude to really feel a change inside of you.
- How to make a bigger impact when sending someone a Happy Birthday or sympathy message.
Introducing: The Official Coffee Diet Group
I am launching The Official Coffee Diet Group on Facebook and you can get 50% off for the 8-week program with the code OCD50OFF.
What is The Official Coffee Diet Group? It’s a group in which I’m going to share how you can get started with The Official Coffee Diet, transform your lifestyle, lose weight, roast your own coffee beans, and start feeling great!
There are only 8 spots left so sign up quickly if you’re interested!
The Grateful Entrepreneur
Click here to get your copy of The Grateful Entrepreneur
Cultivate a Stronger, More Profitable Business with a Unique and Intentional Gratitude Practice
Do you know you have a good business model, but can’t figure out why it’s not showing the results you expected?
Do you wish you could create tight-knit and long-lasting relationships with the people that matter in your industry—whether that means clients, customers, partners, vendors or anyone else?
Well, now you can do just that using a surprisingly simple shift: gratitude.
Scott Colby’s influential and actionable book The Grateful Entrepreneur: 40 Gratitude Strategies to Build Relationships, Grow Your Business and Make More Money is exactly what you’ve been looking for.
About Scott Colby & Say It With Gratitude
The Difference Is Gratitude
After learning about the positive benefits gratitude can have on people, such as more joy, happiness and optimism, Scott decided he wanted to create a gratitude movement called Say It With Gratitude. Always a big believer in handwritten thank you notes from an early age, when his parents made him send thank you cards to Grandma and Grandpa as a kid to thank them for Christmas presents, Scott decided to start there.
Wanting to get kids and charities involved in his new adventure, Scott decided to have kids draw the artwork for the cards! Say It With Gratitude’s first set of cards we drawn by kids from Guatemala, and a portion of sales were donated to Pencils of Promise, which builds school in Guatemala and other developing countries.
Say It With Gratitude Today
In the first year and a half, Say It With Gratitude has worked with a number of different kids’ causes including kid’s cancer, kid’s hunger, child abuse, bullying, and education – always finding kids that had been positively affected by a charity, and giving back a portion of sales to that charity.
Today, Say It With Gratitude has established a partnership with Hug It Forward, the same organization that Scott helped build schools in Guatemala with. Hug It Forward is a multicultural organization operating at the grassroots level in the region of Latin America, with an emphasis in Guatemala. They facilitate education and awareness around improved trash management methods via the construction of bottle classrooms. For every pack of cards sold, Scott makes a donation to Hug It Forward to help them continue building bottle schools.
Let Us Coach You On The Podcast!
Come on the podcast and let us be your coach for an hour on the show!
We talked about this a while back but we want you, the listener, to be a guest on our show by allowing us to be your personal coaches for a 1-hour call. Your call will be featured as an actual episode on our podcast but can always keep your identity hidden by changing your name because we know that our health is everything and some things we’d like to keep to ourselves.
Here’s how you sign up:
- Go to https://openskyfitness.com/contact/
- Fill out your name, email address, and message
- In your message, please include:
- Your goals
- What obstacles you believe are standing in your way
- Your expectations and how you think Devon and Rob can help you
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
00:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:15 Opening comments with Rob
4:00 Rob’s new intermittent fasting lifestyle intertwined with Paleo and how coffee has become a key part of it.
6:30 The Official Coffee Diet and what you can learn in Rob’s new Facebook Group and the incredible weight loss results members have experienced.
8:50 Join the Official Coffee Diet Group on Facebook and get 50% off for the 8-week program with the code OCD50OFF.
13:10 Introduction to Scott Colby
19:00 His shift from focusing on just being a personal trainer to searching for a higher purpose and self-fulfillment.
20:00 The trip he took to Guatemala to volunteer and help a community grow by building a classroom.
23:00 Life lessons about gratitude, happiness, and community that he learned from his time in Guatemala.
23:30 Easy ways to we can spread gratitude with our community and the positive impact of it on our own wellness.
26:00 How he came to launch and focus full time on Say It With Gratitude.
28:00 The immense amount of support he received when he had quit his job, was fired from a new on, and in the transition to begin Say It With Gratitude
30:00 Adventure Trips he hosts for businesses that allow people to let go of their fears.
32:40 How we end up in shame spirals but gratitude can come in and help you get out of them.
34:00 The jealousy trait and our inability to be happy for other people and how to end those negative thoughts and emotions.
36:00 Some of his 40 gratitude strategies that you can begin to apply to your life right now.
37:35 Why consistency is truly the key to gratitude to really feel a change inside of you.
40:30 How to make a bigger impact when sending someone a Happy Birthday or sympathy message.
45:30 What to say and what not to say in a sympathy card’s message.
48:20 The Kick-Ass Jar project you can do at home to help you when you’re not feeling great.
53:00 How to plan a Gratitude Dinner with your friends, colleagues, and families.
56:00 The power of going deeper into your gratitude channel and what to do if it starts feeling like a chore.
1:00:00 Closing comments with Rob
1:03:00 Why all of these big-name brand coffees like Starbucks taste the same and why Bulletproof Coffee isn’t such a great idea if you’re intermittent fasting.
1:15:00 Join the Official Coffee Diet Group on Facebook and get 50% off for the 8-week program with the code OCD50OFF.
1:15:45 Open Sky Fitness Closing
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- Learn more about the Sky Fit Challenge
- Clean up your diet with our 7 Day Paleo Reset
- Contact Rob and Devon to apply for One-On-One Coaching Sessions
- Learn more about our new sponsor – ButcherBox
- Check out our other latest podcast episodes:
- Connect with Scott Colby and Say It With Gratitude via:
- Get your own copy of The Grateful Entrepreneur
- Learn more about The Official Coffee Diet
The challenge consists of:
- 8 Weeks of Equipment Free Bodyweight Workouts in 20 minutes or less. (No gym membership required)
- SIMPLE Whole Food Meal Plan w/Tasty Recipe Cookbook Featuring 60+ recipes!
- Foolproof Schedule so you know EXACTLY what you’re supposed to do every day.
- Access to our New Private Facebook Group – Sky Fit Challenge Group to share your progress with everyone as well as receive support and be held accountable.
Do The FREE 7 Day Paleo Rest
Simply go to 7DayPaleoReset.com to sign up now
One of the best things you can do for your mind and body in your mission to get healthier is to focus on your nutrition. That’s why we’re allowing people to sign up now to join us for our next Free 7 Day Paleo Rest! It’s all done via Facebook so no annoying emails that will fill up your inbox.
As part of the 7 Day Paleo Reset, we will provide you with:
- Introduction to what the Paleo Diet is all about
- 7 Day guide to easy Paleo recipes
- What batch cooking is and how to incorporate that into your lifestyle
- Various content resources including generational eating habits, the importance of building a wellness community, and how to begin a new healthy lifestyle.
- How to make an impact on your life and life a life full of wellness.
Look Out For Our Upcoming
Throw Back Thursday Podcast Episodes!
We’ll be releasing new podcasts episodes on Thursdays that discuss previous episodes we’ve done, but we need your help! Go to the Open Sky Fitness Facebook Group and tell us what your favorite episodes are. Then, Devon and I will re-listen to that episode, pick out the best parts and share even more insights on the topic.
We won’t just be regurgitating the same information over again. Since we began this podcast, there’s so much more information out their on health, nutrition, fitness, and personal wellness. So, each Thursday we’ll really just be going deeper into your favorite topics!
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With Our Sponsor – ButcherBox
That’s right! By listening to the Open Sky Fitness Podcast, you get the chance to get a free order of bacon plus $10 off your first ButcherBox purchase!!
ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, and heritage breed pork directly to your door. Think of them as the neighborhood butcher for modern America.
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That’s right! We have a closed Open Sky Fitness Podcast group on Facebook where you and everyone have the opportunity to talk about your health and fitness goals in a safe environment. We post workouts and start discussions about how to be strategic about finding a healthier you. Check it out!
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 264- 40 Gratitude Strategies For Life with Scott Colby! We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you.