How to Gain Weight Fast
With the obesity epidemic sweeping the globe, health-related conversations typically revolve around how to LOSE the lbs, so we often overlook the group on the opposite end of the spectrum: those trying to know “how to GAIN weight fast.” The end goal of both losing and gaining is the same: to create a healthy, sustainable…
Read More3 Healthy Snacks You Should Always Keep in Your Car
Let’s say you’re in a real nasty bumper-to-bumper jam on the way to work. The traffic is at a standstill but your stomach is going wild. You start fantasizing about food — any food! — and reach down to see if that old bag of sunflower seeds is still in your console. Nothing. It’s like…
Read MoreTop 11 Paleo Energy Bars
Looking to find the best Paleo Bar out there? Look no further. We found our favorite 11 bars on the market and rated them from 1 to 11. Let us know you if you agree!
Read MoreWhat, Meat is Healthy?
We have all been told that saturated fats found in red meat, eggs, coconut oil are “bad”. We have heard things like, “Saturated fat will kill you!!”, “Stay away from red meat”, “Don’t have too many egg yolks!”, “Watch your cholesterol!”. The newest studies show that there is NO link between saturated fat and heart…
Read MoreWill I Get Too Big If I Lift Heavy?
Are you worried about getting too big if you lift heavy? It might not be as simple as you think. Lifting heavy might just make you skinny!
Read MoreLegs & Shoulder Workout
Check out this killer Leg and Shoulder Workout that is guaranteed to knock you on your @ss!
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