Ep. 43 – Owen Harrison Talks Bodybuilding Workouts and Nutrition
Workout and Eat like Owen Harrison
Bodybuilding twins and international fitness stars Owen and Lewis Harrison have competed with each other from an early age. They’ve lived together, trained together and have even bought the same exercise supplements.
“Did you ever try to sabotage each other? Like put powder in your brothers’ drink to make him gain weight?” Rob asked.
Owen laughed. “No we weren’t that bad.”
These days, the Harrison twins seem to be everywhere, landing sponsorship deals with MyProtein, Body Engineers and Vascular Wear. But they never set out to become bodybuilders. The duo were originally signed to the European football team the Bolton Wanderers; after Owen completed his service in the Royal Marine Corps, he and Lewis began training with greater dedication and realized it was something they could make their career.
To attain a physique like theirs, you’ve got to have determination, says Owen. “When it comes to training, you really have to fall in love with it,” Owen said. “You have to want it and need it. If you don’t have that mental strength to push through the barriers, it’s going to be hard for you.”
Owen cites Arnold Shwarzenagger as his fitness inspiration. “He started it all for me.”
Owen Harrison’s Workout and Nutrition Plan
Harrison Twin Workout Downloadable PDF
Anyone interested in lifting is going to love this episode!
The Harrison Twin Supplementation Regimen
MyProtein Impact Whey Protein – 3 X Day
MyProtein Magnesium Citrate
MyProtien Zinc
MyProtein Omega 3 Fish Oil
MyProtein Acetyl L Carnitine
MyProtein BCAA – (during workout for extra energy)
MyProtein Hurricane XS Creatine (used to use it, but not so much anymore)
MyProtein MYPRE Pre-Workout – He’s hooked on it!
FIBO 2015 Germany
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