How to Decrease Your Body Fat Composition with Chris DiVecchio – Ep. 231
“Every day you’re just stacking another penny. If you’re not doing something every single day to contribute to that pile, then the pile is going down.”– Chris DiVecchio on the importance of being consistent with a healthy lifestyle.
Author of The 5×2 Method, Founder & Trainer of Premier Mind & Body, Chris DiVecchio joined us for a very special podcast episode. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever had a guest quite like him. You see, Chris helped a client, Walter Fisher, win $1 million in a bet to lower his body fat composition. It was quite the challenge, but Chris helped Walter make it happen!
Not only will you hear all about that story from Chris, but we also covered the following topics including answer a question from the Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group on Facebook:
- How do you brace when powerlifting? What part does breath play in weightlifting?
- What is the difference between glute activation and core bracing?
- How decreasing body fat composition is different than just losing weight.
- Why the scale is not the only way to measure your body’s health.
- How creating a false sense of high stakes can actually help you stay motivated with your goals.
- About Chris’ book, The 5×2 Method, and how it’ll help you create greater self-awareness and be present each day in your wellness journey.
- Examples of how to get in touch with your 5 senses every day for greater self-awareness and happiness.
- How to begin living for the future.
- How great things can happen when you begin focusing on yourself and being more open to new opportunities.
The 5×2 Method:
Revealing the Power of Your Senses
Get your own copy of The 5×2 Method: Revealing the Power of Your Senses by Chris DiVecchio
Did you know you use at least one of your five senses every moment of the day, even when you are asleep? Each sense has its own special power, but it is when they are used in combination that we create those unforgettable experiences.
We all have a set of daily habits that tend to dull our senses and encourage us to lead a pretty basic life of existence. We often find ourselves in the vicious cycle of wake up, repeat and go to sleep. I developed the 5×2 method to help wake those senses back up and create a whole new way of thinking, acting, being, and doing so you can start living the life of happiness you deserve!
As we know, the five senses are controlled by five organs:
- Touch
- Sound
- Taste
- Sight
- Smell
About Chris DiVecchio
Chris DiVecchio, Founder & Trainer of Premier Mind & Body, brings a wealth of self-development transformation mixed with a very practical technique to his fitness training. Coming from a bodybuilding background and a D1 collegiate hockey career, Chris realized that he wanted to teach his simple techniques and strategies to help others achieve both physical and mental acuity.
As a fitness trainer and lifestyle specialist, Chris has a knack for inspiring accountability and achieving results quickly. With each client, Chris develops a unique and effective nutrition and personal training strategy. His vast knowledge of great recipes and food combinations allow him to create a diet that not only tastes great but will also be easy to maintain. Chris has developed innovative fitness concepts and practices for all types of clients who are all working through very different life experiences, and he is excited to talk with you about your goals.
Let Us Coach You On The Podcast!
Come on the podcast and let us be your coach for an hour on the show!
We talked about this a while back but we want you, the listener, to be a guest on our show by allowing us to be your personal coaches for a 1-hour call. Your call will be featured as an actual episode on our podcast but can always keep your identity hidden by changing your name because we know that our health is everything and some things we’d like to keep to ourselves.
Here’s how you sign up:
- Go to https://openskyfitness.com/contact/
- Fill out your name, email address, and message
- In your message, please include:
- What you’re struggling with
- What you believe is standing in your way
- What your obstacles are
- What you want to achieve
- Your expectations and how you think Devon and I can help you
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
00:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:15 Opening comments with Rob and Devon
1:30 Check out last week’s show: OSF 230 – 8 Holiday Mistakes You Must Avoid
1:40 About our guest today, Chris DiVecchio
2:00 Be on the show and let us coach you for an hour! Find out how.
6:00 A question from our Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group on Facebook -How do you brace when powerlifting?
10:00 The power and importance of breath – what to expect from an upcoming guest, Belisa Vranich
14:00 Why powerlifters have a big belly for the use of breathing while lifting heavy weights.
14:40 Glute activation – the importance of activating your glutes while lifting and why glute activation and core bracing is not the same.
17:15 Introduction to Chris DiVecchio and his background story
17:40 How he helped a client, Walter Fisher, win a $1 million.
23:00 How he met Walter and began to start training him for his goal.
26:00 How decreasing body fat composition is different than just losing weight.
31:00 Walter’s past athletic history and how that came into play for training with Chris.
33:00 What people can accomplish in just a couple of months with losing weight and getting in shape.
35:00 Why the scale is not the only way to measure your body’s health.
36:00 How creating a false sense of high stakes can actually help you stay motivated with your goals.
40:30 His own motivation for focusing on getting in shape and building muscle.
42:30 How he got into various careers in bodybuilding, modeling, acting, and then personal training.
47:00 Steps you’d take to start working with Chris and the type of insight he wants to find out about new clients to create a good, professional relationship.
48:00 The approach Chris follows to work with and help people reach their health and wellness goals.
50:50 About his book, The 5×2 Method, and how it’ll help you create greater self-awareness and be present each day in your wellness journey.
1:00:40 Examples of how to get in touch with your 5 senses every day for greater self-awareness and happiness.
1:09:00 How to begin living for the future.
1:11:00 Mastering The Art of Adjustment – Getting comfortable with little adjustments to living healthier today.
1:16:00 How great things can happen when you begin focusing on yourself and being more open to new opportunities.
1:18:00 How to find and stay in touch with Chris DiVecchio.
1:20:00 Final comments with Rob and Devon
1:21:00 Check out our Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group on Facebook
1:21:05 Learn how to can be on the podcast and work with Devon and me in a coaching session.
1:23:10 Open Sky Fitness Closing
- Leave us an iTunes review
- Subscribe to our podcast and take your health to the next level!
- Join The Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group on Facebook
- Learn more about the Sky Fit Challenge
- Clean up your diet with our 7 Day Paleo Reset
- Contact Rob and Devon to apply for One-On-One Coaching Sessions
- Learn more about our new sponsor – ButcherBox
- Check out last week’s episode: OSF 230 – 8 Holiday Mistakes You Must Avoid
- Connect with Chris DiVecchio via:
- Read The 5×2 Method: Revealing the Power of Your Senses by Chris DiVecchio
- Learn more about Walter Fisher’s story of how Chris helped him get in shape This Guy Lost 70 Pounds In 6 Months Thanks to a $1 Million Bet
- Learn more about the nutritionist that Chris works with – Dr. Philip Goglia
- Find out more about the power of breath with our upcoming guest, Belisa Vranich
- Check out Bret Contreras of Glute Lab
- Find out more about social media influencer, Dan Bilzerian
The challenge consists of:
- 8 Weeks of Equipment Free Bodyweight Workouts in 20 minutes or less. (No gym membership required)
- SIMPLE Whole Food Meal Plan w/Tasty Recipe Cookbook Featuring 60+ recipes!
- Foolproof Schedule so you know EXACTLY what you’re supposed to do every day.
- Access to our New Private Facebook Group – Sky Fit Challenge Group to share your progress with everyone as well as receive support and be held accountable.
Do The FREE 7 Day Paleo Rest
Simply go to 7DayPaleoReset.com to sign up now
One of the best things you can do for your mind and body in your mission to get healthier is to focus on your nutrition. That’s why we’re allowing people to sign up now to join us for our next Free 7 Day Paleo Rest! It’s all done via Facebook so no annoying emails that will fill up your inbox.
As part of the 7 Day Paleo Reset, we will provide you with:
- Introduction to what the Paleo Diet is all about
- 7 Day guide to easy Paleo recipes
- What batch cooking is and how to incorporate that into your lifestyle
- Various content resources including generational eating habits, the importance of building a wellness community, and how to begin a new healthy lifestyle.
- How to make an impact on your life and life a life full of wellness.
Look Out For Our Upcoming
Throw Back Thursday Podcast Episodes!
We’ll be releasing new podcasts episodes on Thursdays that discuss previous episodes we’ve done, but we need your help! Go to the Open Sky Fitness Facebook Group and tell us what your favorite episodes are. Then, Devon and I will re-listen to that episode, pick out the best parts and share even more insights on the topic.
We won’t just be regurgitating the same information over again. Since we began this podcast, there’s so much more information out their on health, nutrition, fitness, and personal wellness. So, each Thursday we’ll really just be going deeper into your favorite topics!
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Thanks for listening/reading episode 231 – How to Decrease Your Body Fat Composition with Chris DiVecchio! We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you.