Hunter McIntrye: Evolution of a Spartan Athlete-Ep. 99
We had two special guests on this week’s episode of the Open Sky Fitness Podcast. One of our previous guests, Evan Dollard, teamed up with Rob to talk to fellow extreme obstacle athlete, Hunter McIntyre. Evan was the 2008 male winner of American Gladiators and also competed on American Ninja Warrior 2. Hunter is Spartan…
Read MoreHow to Gain Weight Fast
With the obesity epidemic sweeping the globe, health-related conversations typically revolve around how to LOSE the lbs, so we often overlook the group on the opposite end of the spectrum: those trying to know “how to GAIN weight fast.” The end goal of both losing and gaining is the same: to create a healthy, sustainable…
Read MoreKristen Mancinelli: How to Get to Ketosis-Ep. 98
This week, Rob and Devon talked with their friend and Ketogenic Diet expert, Kristen Mancinelli. Not only is she highly knowledgeable about Ketogenic, but Kristen also has a solid background in Paleo and has written about both diets in various publications including LIVESTRONG.ORG , Paleo magazine, and her own book, The Ketogenic Diet: A Scientifically Proven Approach…
Read MoreDr. Loren Cordain: The Origin of the Paleo Diet-Ep. 97
This week’s podcast is all about good nutrition with a focus on discussing the Paleo Diet with Dr. Loren Cordain. If you listen often to the podcast, you may remember that we talk a lot about Paleo on the show. Therefore, it was an amazing experience for me to talk to Dr. Cordain because he is…
Read MoreJohn Allen Mollenhauer: How to End Performance Anxiety-Ep.96
On this week’s Open Sky Fitness Podcast, Rob had the chance to sit down and talk with John Allen Mollenhaur about how we can end our performance anxiety and begin living a performance lifestyle. For anyone who compares themselves to other people; has an addiction to becoming the best without giving themselves a rest; or…
Read MoreNY Times Article is One-Sided about The Biggest Loser-Ep. 95
On this week’s Open Sky Fitness podcast, Rob and Devon sat down to discuss the New York Times article, After ‘The Biggest Loser,’ Their Bodies Fought to Regain Weight. The article is quite one-sided and both Rob and Devon have given their input on what they found was wrong with the diets and workouts on the show; how the…
Read MoreDr. Charlie Weingroff: How to Build Your Health & Fitness Team-Ep. 94
How do you build your health and fitness team? A Guide to Good Gym Etiquette On this week’s podcast episode, Rob and Devon discussed good gym etiquette such as how to keep the gym organized and clean; how to work in and share equipment with follow gym users; and how to show respect and share…
Read MoreJohn Kenny: How to Become an Open Water Swimmer-ep. 93
Love swimming? Ever wanted to become an open water swimming? Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy On the Open Sky Fitness podcast this week, Rob and Devon had a motivating discussion about how important it is to stop being your own enemy by limiting yourself from thinking positively and from reaching your goals. Even if you…
Read MoreFranz Snideman: How to Become a Sprinter-Ep. 92
To become a sprinter, sometimes you have to start with the basics. Today, Rob talked to Franz Snideman who is a former collegiate sprinter and the co-owner of Revolution Fitness. Franz believes that sprinting is key to becoming healthier and stronger. Tips to Become a Sprinter Franz is an expert at running and sprinting for beginners and…
Read MoreCraig Ballantyne: Create a Perfect Day- EP. 91
Do you ever feel that the days goes by and you spend all your time on what needs to “get done” but have no time left for the things that you feel are actually important. In this week’s podcast, Craig Ballantyne, author of the “The Perfect Day Formula”, will transform you by helping you to discover what is truly important and how to create an empowering and healthful life.
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