The Best Cardio Workout for YOU
Everyone always asks me, “Rob, what’s the best cardio workout if I want to see results.” It’s a great question and the answer is very simple, but I always follow the question with a question, “Well, what kind of cardio do you like to do?” Here’s what I’m driving at: if you like to run,…
Read MorePost Men's Physique Blues
It seems to happen every time something big happens in my life. I work for weeks, months or even longer to achieve a certain goal and once I reach it, I don’t know what to do with myself. I get Post Goal Blues. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a fitness goal, I remember feeling…
Read MoreFirst Month Building Muscle – The Workout
Here’s the workout Rob did in his first month of muscle building that helped him gain some serious strength.
Read MoreGeorge Rausch – Week 6
George has lost 10 pounds in his first 6 weeks. He’s less then 8 pounds away from his goal wait with 6 more weeks to go. Can he make it!
Read MoreExtreme Warrior Maca Smoothie
We talked about Superfoods in last weeks Lunch Crunch and Devon, the new nutritionist for Open Sky Fitness, provided this great smoothie to try from David Wolfe’s book Superfoods. The shake includes several superfoods. Maca is a root vegetable well known for increasing energy levels and stamina, as well as improving fertility levels and physical…
Read MoreLemon and Rosemary Vegetable Marinade Recipe
Here’s a recipe for the marinated grilled vegetables we had at the Open Sky Fitness BBQ. They were so popular we felt it was our duty to post the recipe for all to have! Enjoy and let us know what you think.
Read MoreTop 5 Nutrition Books
Have you ever been into the nutrition section of the bookstore? There are hundreds of books on different diets and eating plans. All claiming that their way of eating is THE way of eating. How can they all be right?
Read More5 Exercises to Best Strengthen the Knees
The knees are one of the most complex and commonly misunderstood joints in the body (second only to the shoulders). Given that they bear approximately 80% of our bodyweight when we’re standing, the knees are highly susceptible to damage and the pain that often comes with it.
Read MoreTop 4 Ways To Stretch
With all the mixed information out there it’s hard to know what kind of stretching to do and when to do it. There are 5 different types of stretches to consider when the time arrises: Static, Active, Dynamic and PNF Stretching.
Read MoreTop 5 Movies About Nutrition
The end of one year and the start of another is usually a time for reflection. What went well this year? What are you going to work on next year? I encourage all of my clients to set goals before the new year starts so they can hit the ground running come January.
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