How To Get Fit With Keto: Drew Manning – Ep. 207
“The biggest part of a transformation is not physical; you can give someone the best meal plans, workouts, or macros for their body type but it doesn’t matter unless they’re able to overcome their own mental and emotional challenges. That’s how you make a true lifestyle change.” – Drew Manning
On this week’s episode of the Open Sky Fitness Podcast, we have Drew Manning returning for the second time! In our first interview with him, we talked all about his initial Fit2Fat2Fit journey. In this episode, we’re discussing all that he has done since then including the launch of his A&E show – Fit to Fat to Fit. Not only that, but we discussed what he would have done differently during his experiment including getting fit via the Ketogenic Diet. Before we knew it, we were in a deep conversation about the Keto Diet including the following topics:
- The science behind the Ketogenic Diet
- How Keto can help you get fit
- What foods you should eat and stay away from while on Keto
- How to test your Ketosis levels properly
- His top food hacks for eating Keto foods on the go
Breaking Through Mental Struggles
Besides the Keto Diet and his wellness journey, Drew also shared the best way you can get out of an emotional and mental funk when it comes to focusing on your health:
- Find a support system – in real life or online
- Be surrounded by like-minded people who are going through similar journeys
- Have a safe place to ask questions as well as ask questions and give answers
- Sign up for something that gets you out of your comfort zone but is still challenging so that it forces you the train
- Check out private Facebook groups or coaching apps such as MyFitnessPal
These might not work for everyone but Drew has seen that it’s so much more beneficial than just giving someone a 30 Day plan they do on their own.
Get Fit With Keto
How can you survive the dreaded Keto Flu? What are the best foods to eat to get and stay in Ketosis?
To be in good health while experiencing the Keto Flu, there are two very important things you should do:
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
- Supplement with sodium, potassium, and magnesium to avoid an imbalance of electrolytes.
While on the Ketogenic diet, you won’t be as hungry – you’ll only be eating 2-3 meals a day of high-quality, healthy fat like:
- Steak
- Salmon
- Chicken thighs
- Whole eggs
- Butter
- Cream
- Coconut oil
- Ghee
- Avocado
Your diet should be 5% carbohydrates (30 grams a day or less) from nutrient-dense vegetables including:
- Spinach
- Kale
- Cauliflower
- Broccoli
F2F2F Keto Diet with Drew Manning | Complete Wellness
About Drew Manning
Drew Manning is a NASM Certified trainer, author of NY Times Bestseller: Fit2Fat2Fit, blogger and fitness enthusiast. Drew’s health program has been used by thousands of people all across the world. He has been featured on shows such as: The Tonight Show, Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew, CNN, The View, Good Morning America, Nightline and more. You can learn more on his website www.Fit2Fat2Fit.com
Drew’s goal is to inspire people to get fit, teach them how to do it and give them hope that it IS possible to get fit and stay fit. He wants to share his comprehensive fitness knowledge with his followers so that they can know how to lose weight successfully, even though for many it’s going to be a struggle.
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
00:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:15 Opening comments with Rob and Devon
1:30 Check out last week’s show: OSF 206 – The Power of Mindsets: Fixed Vs. Growth Mindsets
2:40 Getting healthy is easier than we think. Find out more in our next official Sky Fit Challenge starting July 16.
11:00 A recap on Drew from our last interview with him back in 2016.
13:35 The lessons and side effects he learned and experience during his Fit2Fat2Fit experiment.
15:30 Strategies he uses and suggests to help people break through their mental and emotional struggles.
18:00 How to get to the root of what’s emotionally and mentally holding you back from focusing on your wellness.
20:40 What he would’ve done differently during his initial Fit2Fat2Fit experiment.
21:20 How the Ketogenic Diet has changed his mind and body function.
22:20 His A&E Fit2Fat2Fit TV show – what various diets each participant follows on the TV show.
24:40 Various contestant’s result and how one struggled to get back to fit after gaining weight and another was a married couple.
28:30 Who is the Keto diet for? What’s the best process of doing it?
30:20 How to combat the Keto Flu during the Ketosis Transition.
31:20 What foods do people eat on a Ketogenic diet?
33:25 How you can keep track of your diet and supplements to ensure you’re moving into Ketosis.
35:50 How reliable it is to test your Ketone levels via blood tests.
37:30 How to make the Ketogenic diet part of your lifestyle even while traveling.
40:40 The fad part of the Ketogenic Diet and different brands offering labeled “Keto” products that are actually processed.
43:00 The most important factors to consider when changing your diet.
44:00 Calorie deficit – is it necessary to focus on it?
45:00 Specific workouts you can do in order to reach your fitness goals.
46:00 His 60-DayKeto Jumpstart Program that you can sign up for today and what you can expect from it.
50:00 The benefits of focusing on just creating one habit each month.
51:50 Drew’s own struggles with staying healthy and how he overcomes them.
55:15 His next plans for the future.
56:15 The benefits of MCT oil and how to add MCT oil powder to your coffee instead of coconut oil or preparing a Bulletproof coffee.
58:40 Closing comments with Rob and Devon.
1:00:40 Open Sky Fitness Closing
- Leave us an iTunes review
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- Join The Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group on Facebook
- Sign up for our Sky Fit Challenge!
- Contact Rob and Devon to apply for One-On-One Coaching Sessions
- Learn more about our new sponsor – ButcherBox
- Check out last week’s episode: OSF 206 – The Power of Mindsets: Fixed Vs. Growth Mindsets
- Listen to our first episode with Drew Manning – OSF 103 – How Drew Manning Went From Fit2Fat2Fit
- Connect with Drew Manning via:
- Read Fit2Fat2Fit: The Unexpected Lessons from Gaining and Losing 75 lbs on Purpose
- Listen to Rob on the Fit2Fat2Fit Podcast – Ep. 147 How to Integrate Healthy Practices into Your Existing Lifestyle
- Learn more about Drew Manning’s Keto Jumpstart Program
- Join the Facebook Pages:
- Shop Complete Wellness Supplements
- Watch Drew’s A&E show – Fit to Fat to Fit
- Download MyFitnessPal
- Check out – Drew Manning Discusses Weight-Gain Experiment on Good Morning America
- Read Drew’s blog post – Three Highly Effective Hacks To Help You Stay In Ketosis While Traveling
- Watch the trailer for The Magic Pill
- Tune into OSF 189 with Adam Schaeuble – Creating Your Own Lifestyle Rehabilitation Statement And Plan
Join us for our next 8 Week Sky Fit Challenge that will start on July 16!
The challenge consists of:
- 8 Weeks of Equipment Free Bodyweight Workouts in 20 minutes or less. (No gym membership required)
- SIMPLE Whole Food Meal Plan w/Tasty Recipe Cookbook Featuring 60+ recipes!
- Foolproof Schedule so you know EXACTLY what you’re supposed to do every day.
- Access to our New Private Facebook Group – Sky Fit Challenge Group to share your progress with everyone as well as receive support and be held accountable.
Join Our FREE 7 Day Paleo Rest
One of the best things you can do for your mind and body in your mission to get healthier is to focus on your nutrition. That’s why we’re allowing people to sign up now to join us for our next Free 7 Day Paleo Rest! It’s all done via Facebook so no annoying emails that will fill up your inbox.
As part of the 7 Day Paleo Reset, we will provide you with:
- Introduction to what the Paleo Diet is all about
- 7 Day guide to easy Paleo recipes
- What batch cooking is and how to incorporate that into your lifestyle
- Various content resources including generational eating habits, the importance of building a wellness community, and how to begin a new healthy lifestyle.
- How to make an impact on your life and life a life full of wellness.
Simply go to openskyfitness.com/paleoreset. We have a website page in the works, but you can sign up to join us via this link.
Look Out For Our Upcoming
Throw Back Thursday Podcast Episodes!
We’ll be releasing new podcasts episodes on Thursdays that discuss previous episodes we’ve done, but we need your help! Go to the Open Sky Fitness Facebook Group and tell us what your favorite episodes are. Then, Devon and I will re-listen to that episode, pick out the best parts and share even more insights on the topic.
We won’t just be regurgitating the same information over again. Since we began this podcast, there’s so much more information out their on health, nutrition, fitness, and personal wellness. So, each Thursday we’ll really just be going deeper into your favorite topics!
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Thanks for listening/reading episode 207 with Drew Manning – How To Get Fit With Keto! We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you.