What Fish Should You Avoid At The Supermarket? There are a lot of ideas, theories, and claims out there as to what fish you should eat and avoid. However, it all becomes muddled very easily and both Devon and I wanted to clarify which fish you should avoid (and why) versus which fish are okay…
Listen Now...CLICK HERE TO GET 50% OFF ON THE SKY FIT CHALLENGE! Deal ends October 7th! 10 Vital Habits To Build Muscle Mass & Lose Body Fat “If you’ve got a grateful mindset, I think you’ll be able to weather the peaks and valleys a lot better.” – Jason Leenaarts I’m really excited for…
Listen Now...CLICK HERE TO GET 50% OFF ON THE SKY FIT CHALLENGE! Mental Health: Combating Anxiety & Depression We have a very eye-opening interview today with Iraq War Veteran, Anthony Treas, who is on a mission to radically change men’s mental health and the stigma of mental health. He is also the creator of the S.T.R.O.N.G. Method…
Listen Now...“Perfectionism is the enemy of progress.” – Winston Churchill CLICK HERE TO GET 50% OFF ON THE SKY FIT CHALLENGE! Being a Perfectionist – Good or Bad? “Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.” – Salvador Dali A lot of people take pride in calling themselves a perfectionist because…
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