Which Popular Diet is Best for You?-Ep. 116
It’s October and that means it’s officially Nutrition Month and today’s topic is: Which Popular Diet is Best for You?
Devon and I have so much great information to share with you that we are also dedicating the month of November to talk about nutrition as well! If you have any specific questions or concerns about nutrition, contact us by email at rob@openskyfitness.com and devon@openskyfitness.com.
We’ve already been discussing nutrition and motivation tactics on the Open Sky Fitness Podcast Facebook Group. It’s a great group to talk with other people about health, share tips, and encourage each other to keep living a healthy lifestyle. Click here to join the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1794246394138633/
Each week, we’ll be discussing a different nutrition topic in the following order:
Nutrition Topics
Week 1– Which Popular Diet is Best for You?
Week 2–Kitchen Clean Out Hacks
Week 3– Nutrition Tips for Your Family
Week 4– Convenient Foods and Meal Prep Hacks
Week 5– Nutrition Tools
Which Popular Diet is Best for You?
Let’s face it; there’s a wide assortment of different diets and meal plans out there and they all claim to be the best. Today, Devon and I will go through 15 of the most popular diets and discuss the pros and cons of each.
Our goal is to help you learn more about each diet so that you can make a better choices for yourself when it comes to your nutrition.
We’ll be discussing the following popular diets:
- The My Plate Diet (FDA)
- Paleo Diet
- Whole 30 Diet
- Vegan Diet
- Vegetarian Diet
- Pescetarian Diet
- Ketogenic Diet
- Dash Diet
- Mediterranean Diet
- Beach Body Diet
- Alkaline Diet
- Bulletproof Diet
- Atkins Diet
- Weight Watchers Diet
- Jenny Craig Diet
How Important Are Macronutrients in a Diet?
In relation to diets and meal plans, it’s important to make sure that we are consuming enough healthy macronutrients. Macronutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats (both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) and they do amazing things for our bodies!
Macronutrients are so important to our bodys’ health and nutrition that we basically can’t live without them. For example, Proteins repair tissue, restore bones, build cartilage, and help your blood cells. No matter what diet you follow, sufficient amounts of macronutrients are very important to your diet.
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Check Out The Brand New Open Sky Fitness Podcast Facebook Page
That’s right! We’ve started an Open Sky Fitness Podcast group, where you and everyone will have the opportunity to talk about your health and fitness goals in a safe environment. We’ll be posting workouts and starting discussions about how to be strategic around finding a healthier you. Check it out!
Have a Question or Review for Rob or Devon?
We love answering questions and getting feedback from you, our listener! If you have any questions to ask us, want to share a review of the show, or tell us any suggestions for guests/topics that you think would be great to have on the show, just email Rob at rob@openskyfitness.com or Devon at devon@openskyfitness.com or you can also leave us a review at www.openskyfitness.com/review and even text OSFreview to 33444 to get the link.
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
0:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:15 Opening comments with Rob and Devon
6:30 Nutrition Month for October & November
12:40 What are macronutrients?
13:20 What are proteins? What do they do in your body?
14:30 What are protein sources?
16:45 What are carbohydrates?
18:40 How does fiber work in the body?
22:53 What are the functions of fat? How do they help us?
27:00 All about monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and the American diet today.
29:30 Let’s talk about diets and meal plans!
30:20 The FDA approved My Plate
32:45 The Paleo Diet
37:20 The Ketogenic Diet
41:30 The Beach Body Diet
45:20 The various Vegetarian and Vegan Diets
50:10 The Mediterranean Diet
54:05 The Atkins Diet
56:45 The Bulletproof Diet
59:05 The Alkaline Diet
1:01:15 The Dash Diet
1:03:30 The Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Diets
1:05:30 Closing comments with Rob and Devon
1:11:00 Open Sky Fitness Closing
- The Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1794246394138633/
- To read Rob’s blog post, Paleo vs. Keto Diet: What’s the Difference? Click here: https://openskyfitness.com/paleo-vs-keto-diet-whats-the-difference/
- Listen to Podcast episode no. 13-NINA TEICHOLZ, AUTHOR THE BIG FAT SURPRISE, click here: https://openskyfitness.com/ep-13-interview-with-nina-teicholz-author-the-big-fat-surprise/
- To read the book, The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz, click here: http://thebigfatsurprise.com/
- To listen to the Podcast episode-DR. LOREN CORDAIN: THE ORIGIN OF THE PALEO DIET-EP. 97, click here: https://openskyfitness.com/dr-loren-cordain-origin-of-the-paleo-diet-ep-97/
- To listen to EP. 23 – EATING BUGS AND ORGAN MEAT WITH SARAH BALLANTYNE (AKA THE PALEO MOM), click here: https://openskyfitness.com/thepaleomom/
- To listen to EP. 17 – INTERVIEW WITH SARAH BALLANTYNE, PHD, click here: https://openskyfitness.com/ep-17-interview-with-sarah-ballantyne-phd/
- To read the book, The Paleo Approach–Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body by Sarah Ballantyne, click here: http://www.thepaleomom.com/the-paleo-approach-reverse-autoimmune-disease-and-heal-your-body/
- To check out the EP 22. – USING FAT AS FUEL: KRISTEN MANCINELLI TALKS ABOUT THE KETOGENIC DIET, click here: https://openskyfitness.com/using-fat-as-fuel-kristen-mancinelli-talks-about-the-ketogenic-diet/
- To listen to KRISTEN MANCINELLI: HOW TO GET TO KETOSIS-EP. 98, click here: https://openskyfitness.com/kristen-mancinelli-how-to-get-to-ketosis-ep-98/
- To read The Ketogenic Diet: A Scientifically Proven Approach to Fast, Healthy Weight Loss by Kristen Mancinelli, click here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1612433944/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=opeskyfit-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=1612433944&linkId=3ddb60c8657fc7e95e388710ae22000f
- To listen to JIMMY MOORE: HOW TO REDUCE CHOLESTEROL: THE “BAD” KIND -EP. 76, click here: https://openskyfitness.com/jimmy-moore-how-to-reduce-cholesterol-the-bad-kind-ep-76/
- To listen to DR. JONNY BOWDEN: BREAKING DOWN CHOLESTEROL AND NUTRITION MYTHS-EP. 112, https://openskyfitness.com/jonny-bowden/
- To Listen to EP. 21 – TALKIN’ SLEEP AND NUTRITION WITH SHAWN STEVENSON, click here: https://openskyfitness.com/sleep-and-nutrition-shawn-stevenson/
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Ask Rob a Question or tell him what is working for you: Email Rob@OpenSkyFitness.com
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Contact our amazing sound engineer Ryan? Send him an e-mail here: info@stellarsoundsstudio.com
Thanks for Listening!
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 116-Which Popular Diet is Best for You? We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you!