You Evolving Now: Live The Life You Want – Andre Young – Ep. 256
You Evolving Now: Live The Life You Want – Andre Young
When we’re ready to evolve, it doesn’t mean that everybody else around you is as well. Or maybe they’re ready and they don’t know it so now you have to be the leader in your inner circle. – Andre Young
Hi there! I’m happy to share this incredible podcast interview I did with the Founder and CEO of You Evolving Now, Andre Young. After meeting at the Growth Now Movement. I just knew we had to have him on the show.
You Evolving Now (Y.E.N.) is a Life-Enrichment Company; providing life-enrichment programming for Employees, Athletes, and Individuals; allowing an EVOLUTION as People, Partners, Parents, and Professionals!
In today’s episode, you’ll learn all about:
- Andre’s 5 Steps Out Of Unwise Relationships
- His guide to and book, 7 Ways To Love
- The Power of Three broken down getting your triangle right according to what is important to you
- Marrying your passion and living by it each and every day.
- Common roadblocks that are holding people back from evolving such as feelings about their past, insecurities, and fears.
- How to be a Dream Leader for your partner, boss, friends, and others in your circle.
- Why we’re afraid to fail, not afraid to succeed.
- How to start your day off right by feeding your soul in the morning and throughout the day.
Make sure you check out the conversation Devon and I have at the beginning too about The latest in food trends: The Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat – Are they worth it?
Marry your dream but not the path you think will get you there that you want to get you there or more dangerously, the path you think you deserve. – Andre Young
7 Ways To Love
Get your copy of 7 Ways to Love by Andre Young here
EVOLVE your relationship with the best relationship book out there! These are the 7 things to make or break relationships. YOU do them and your relationship can get better. You both do them… it can get great! If your relationship does not work, 7 Ways to Love provides you peace of mind; knowing you did everything you were supposed to do. After the pain and tears… peace of mind is priceless
You Evolving Now’s Why
About Andre Young
Andre Young is the Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC. His mission is to provide men, women, students, and employees a way to EVOLVE and live the life of their dreams; becoming more inspired individuals, partners, parents, and professionals. Guy’s Night Out and Lady’s Night Out may provide relief, but may not inspire evolution and self-improvement.
EVOLVE and best your life with their personal growth site, employee life-enrichment program, college division, and their main club in Berks County!
Andre has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology with a specialty in Marital and Family Counseling. He has provided a variety of therapeutic services in the Lehigh Valley and Berks County: Individual, Group, Family, and Crisis Therapy. While You Evolving Now may be physically based in Pennsylvania and have clubs in Kutztown University and Alvernia University, they are a global social movement for personal development. It is important to note that Y.E.N. does not provide therapy, however, the environment is therapeutic in nature to promote a positive lifestyle and help you get more out of life, more out of relationships, more out of work, and more out of yourself!
EVOLVE in an atmosphere of positivity and personal development. Grow as a person and enhance the quality of all of your relationships as a friend, son/daughter, co-worker, parent, husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc.!
Let Us Coach You On The Podcast!
Come on the podcast and let us be your coach for an hour on the show!
We talked about this a while back but we want you, the listener, to be a guest on our show by allowing us to be your personal coaches for a 1-hour call. Your call will be featured as an actual episode on our podcast but can always keep your identity hidden by changing your name because we know that our health is everything and some things we’d like to keep to ourselves.
Here’s how you sign up:
- Go to https://openskyfitness.com/contact/
- Fill out your name, email address, and message
- In your message, please include:
- Your goals
- What obstacles you believe are standing in your way
- Your expectations and how you think Devon and Rob can help you
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
00:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:15 Opening comments with Rob and Devon
1:30 About our guest today, Andre Young and his mission at You Evolving Now
3:30 The latest in food trends: The Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat – Are they worth it?
11:00 Taking a closer look at the ingredients in fast food, Impossible Burger, and Beyond Meat
16:00 Introduction to Andre Young and how he began You Evolving Now.
18:00 The moment he realized he wasn’t being his best self and how he began his life transformation
24:30 How we can manage change that we either want or don’t want in our lives.
25:40 Why our evolution may sometimes lead to elevating the ego and how we can control that.
29:00 How to find your tribe in your current or new community.
30:00 Marrying your passion and living by it each and every day.
32:00 Common roadblocks that are holding people back from evolving such as feelings about their past, insecurities, and fears.
35:00 Separating the goal from the intention as well as being willing to pivot and change paths in order to achieve your dream.
37:00 How he and his wife work together to achieve their goals.
38:30 The Power of Three broken down getting your triangle right according to what is important to you.
42:30 His 5 Steps Out Of Unwise Relationships
53:50 How to be a Dream Leader for your partner, boss, friends, and others in your circle.
56:00 Are people truly afraid of success? Or are they actually afraid of failing?
1:07:00 The power of pausing when you’re upset about something and then returning back to it after you’ve calmed down, thought about it, and then realize why you’re struggling with it.
1:10:00 How to start your day off right by feeding your soul in the morning and throughout the day.
1:18:20 Final comments with Rob and Devon.
1:22:00 Open Sky Fitness Closing
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- Learn more about the Sky Fit Challenge
- Clean up your diet with our 7 Day Paleo Reset
- Contact Rob and Devon to apply for One-On-One Coaching Sessions
- Learn more about our new sponsor – ButcherBox
- Check out our other latest podcast episodes:
- Connect with Andre Young via:
- Get your copy of Andre’s books: Evolve and 7 Ways to Love
- Check The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
- Learn more about the Growth Now Movement
- Network in your community at Meetup.com
- Attend an upcoming Perform Better Summit
- Learn more about Mike Boyle
- Find out all about Todd Durkin
- You might be interested in these other Open Sky Fitness Podcast episodes:
The challenge consists of:
- 8 Weeks of Equipment Free Bodyweight Workouts in 20 minutes or less. (No gym membership required)
- SIMPLE Whole Food Meal Plan w/Tasty Recipe Cookbook Featuring 60+ recipes!
- Foolproof Schedule so you know EXACTLY what you’re supposed to do every day.
- Access to our New Private Facebook Group – Sky Fit Challenge Group to share your progress with everyone as well as receive support and be held accountable.
Do The FREE 7 Day Paleo Rest
Simply go to 7DayPaleoReset.com to sign up now
One of the best things you can do for your mind and body in your mission to get healthier is to focus on your nutrition. That’s why we’re allowing people to sign up now to join us for our next Free 7 Day Paleo Rest! It’s all done via Facebook so no annoying emails that will fill up your inbox.
As part of the 7 Day Paleo Reset, we will provide you with:
- Introduction to what the Paleo Diet is all about
- 7 Day guide to easy Paleo recipes
- What batch cooking is and how to incorporate that into your lifestyle
- Various content resources including generational eating habits, the importance of building a wellness community, and how to begin a new healthy lifestyle.
- How to make an impact on your life and life a life full of wellness.
Look Out For Our Upcoming
Throw Back Thursday Podcast Episodes!
We’ll be releasing new podcasts episodes on Thursdays that discuss previous episodes we’ve done, but we need your help! Go to the Open Sky Fitness Facebook Group and tell us what your favorite episodes are. Then, Devon and I will re-listen to that episode, pick out the best parts and share even more insights on the topic.
We won’t just be regurgitating the same information over again. Since we began this podcast, there’s so much more information out their on health, nutrition, fitness, and personal wellness. So, each Thursday we’ll really just be going deeper into your favorite topics!
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Thanks for listening/reading episode 256 with Andre Young – You Evolving Now: Live The Life You Want – Andre Young! We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you.