11 Ways to Create Structure for a Crazy Schedule – Ep. 164
Creating Structure for Your Schedule
“As an entrepreneur or a stay-at home parent, nothing gets done unless you plan it so why should your health and fitness be any different?” – Rob Dionne
On today’s episode, Devon and I are tackling the big question:
How can you create a structure for your day when you work for yourself or have a crazy schedule?
When we were children, our entire day was planned for once from morning to night. As adults, it can be difficult to follow a set routine.
From entrepreneurs to stay-at-home parents to everyone else in between with crazy schedules, we’re giving our top 11 tips on how to bring more structure to your life so that your health and fitness can improve and thrive. How can a structured lifestyle improve your day? By having a set plan, you can free up time so that you can focus on the important factors in your life.
Our 11 ways to create structure for a crazy schedule are:
- Getting 1 to 2 hours for yourself in the morning
- Deciding what your main priorities are
- Eat the frog: Complete your biggest task for the day
- Rest and recovery
- Drink more water
- Get enough hours of sleep
- Ask for help when you need it
- Cut some things loose and make space
- Planning is everything
- Listen to your body
- Don’t self-medicate with caffeine when you need a pick-me-up
If you ever need extra help to improve your lifestyle to make time for you and your health, you can always turn to Devon and I or join our Open Sky Fitness Podcast group to connect with other people who are in the same scenario as you.
BONUS! Get Rob’s Open Sky Fitness Recipe at the end of this blog post!
Q&A with Yourself
To get started on creating your own structured schedule to focus on health and fitness, you have to get to know yourself a little bit better. Asking yourself the following questions can give you some perspective:
- Where are you now?
- Are you making healthy decisions for you and if so, where did you learn them?
- Did you learn it by yourself or from your parents and observing their schedules?
- Are you following a similar structure to what your parents have or are you changing it to match your own?
Focus on Health and Fitness
“It’s been proven that if you work out in the morning, you can think more clearly for the rest of the day. Not only that, but it’s really satisfying to know that you’ve done your exercise for the day.” – Devon and Rob Dionne
This might be easier to do if you don’t have any kids, but try to take the first 1-2 hours out of your day to focus on you. Use that time to prepare and make sure you have all that you need:
- Have Breakfast
- Pack Food
- Meditation
- Workout
- Bring gym clothes for later
Don’t start your day by putting out fires i.e. checking your phone, sending emails, or wasting time on Facebook.
If you exercise in the morning, not only will it help energize you, but you’ll also be able to get it out of the way before doing anything else. That in itself will help you feel good about yourself . Next, you can focus on other important tasks at hand.
Setting Priorities
“How can you set a good example for your kids on how to take care of themselves if you can’t even take care of yourself.” – Devon Dionne
Get a better perspective on something by taking a break. Go out for a walk and take your mind off of things. Don’t pressure yourself when you don’t feel like you have enough time to really do what you need to do. Plan your day out to give yourself a break.
If you going to have a good priority, you have to ask yourself, “What you want and why do you want it? Why is it so important to you?”
“For mental clarity, sleep should be number one on your list.” – Rob Dionne
The Open Sky Fitness Coffee
Start your day off on the right foot with some coffee that will last you all morning so that you don’t feel like you need to keep drinking more and more of it to stay energized.
Each morning, I blend the following ingredients with a blender such as the Magic Bullet or Nutri Bullet.
Rob’s Open Sky Fitness Coffee Recipe:
- 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
- 1/4 tsp Turmeric
- 1/4 tsp Cinnamon
- 2 Cups Coffee
Join The Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group!
That’s right! We have a closed Open Sky Fitness Podcast group on Facebook where you and everyone have the opportunity to talk about your health and fitness goals in a safe environment. We post workouts and start discussions about how to be strategic around finding a healthier you. Check it out!
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Have a Question or Review for Rob or Devon?
We love answering questions and getting feedback from you, our listener! If you have any questions to ask us, want to share a review of the show, or tell us any suggestions for guests/topics that you think would be great to have on the show, just email Rob at rob@openskyfitness.com or Devon at devon@openskyfitness.com or you can also leave us a review at www.openskyfitness.com/review, ask a question in the closed Open Sky Fitness Facebook Group and even text OSFreview to 33444 to get the link.
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
00:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:15 Opening comments with Rob and Devon
2:30 Check out last week’s episode – OSF 163 – Dr. Michael Ruscio – Gut Health: Healing Autoimmune Disease
2:55 About today’s episode: The strategies you can use to get your health and fitness in order when you have a busy schedule
4:20 Learn more about our Open Sky Fitness Facebook Group
5:40 Fill out an application for One-On-One Coaching Sessions with either Rob or Devon
7:30 How can you create a structure for your day when you work for yourself or have a crazy schedule?
13:00 Our daily life structure as children
17:10 Where are you now? Questions to ask yourself.
22:40 How to structure your morning.
31:00 Priorities are everything
39:00 Eat the frog: Completing the most difficult task or project on hand.
42:25 Recovery from constant productivity
48:30 Mental aspects of starting at a computer for long periods of time
53:00 Skip the caffeine and do something else!
56:10 Brain boosters for relaxation and happiness
58:15 The power of drinking lots of water
59:20 Pay attention to your body
59:00 Sleeping enough
1:02:10 Get help when you need it.
1:07:25 Planning is EVERYTHING!
1:10:00 Try to avoid having too much caffeine
1:11:30 Closing comments with Rob and Devon
1:13:30 Open Sky Fitness Closing
- Leave us an iTunes review
- Join the The Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group on Facebook
- Contact Rob and Devon to apply for One-On-One Coaching Sessions
- Check out last week’s episode for OSF 163 – Dr. Michael Ruscio – Gut Health: Healing Autoimmune Disease
- Learn more about Podcast Movement
- Listen to the Dear Mattie Show Podcast
- Structure your crazy schedule even more with these podcasts:
- Dr. Kelly Starrett: How to Prevent Injuries and Improve Performance – Ep. 87
- Dr. Josh Davis: How to be Super Effective – Ep. 89
- Cristina Curp: Heal Your Autoimmune Disease with the Paleo Diet – Ep. 144
- Brett Hoebel: How to Create Your Own HIIT Workout – Ep. 150
- Talkin’ Sleep and Nutrition with Shawn Stevenson – Ep. 21
Get Fit with Free Downloads!
To Download Rob’s FREE workout templates click below**
Ask Rob a Question or tell him what is working for you: Email Rob@OpenSkyFitness.com
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 164 – 11 Ways to Create Structure for a Crazy Schedule! We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you.