How To Break Through Your Comfort Zone – Ep. 147
Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
“Why is it so easy to do the same thing over and over again if you’re not happy? Why stay in repeat mode if you’re not getting no where near the result you want? If you’re unhappy with your weight or your health, then there has to be a change.” – Rob Dionne
On this week’s episode of the Open Sky Fitness Podcast, Devon and I are sharing how you can break out of your comfort zone and begin to live a healthier life. When you’re brand new at building a healthier lifestyle, going to the gym or learning how to cook healthy meals can be stressful and intimidating. However, leaving your comfort zone can easily be accomplished.
We’ll explain what a comfort zone is, how optimal anxiety can help you grow, and the benefits of breaking through your comfort zone.
What is a Comfort Zone?
“A comfort zone consists of a series of routines, behaviors and patterns that minimize the stress in your life and puts you into a state of mental security. There’s no risk because you’re basically on autopilot.” – Rob and Devon Dionne
When we’re in a comfort zone, everything is normal on a day-to-day basis. We’re not challenging ourselves, but that’s okay because what we do the same thing every day without any changes or obstacles.
If we do try to leave the comfort zone to do a new workout, order a healthier meal, or even learn how to cook, it can feel really strange.
How Optimal Anxiety Can Help You Grow
“In order to actually maximize your performance, you have to be in a state of optimal anxiety.” – Devon Dionne
When you begin to break outside of your comfort zone, you want to be fired up yet still be able to perform your best.
If you feel anxious at the idea of learning how to cook or join a gym class, just remember that ‘anxiety’ is only a word that is used to describe a feeling. In fact, a slight amount of it as optimal anxiety can actually be a good thing.
When you challenge yourself, you can build upon an enhanced amount of productivity that allows you to do more than you possibly ever thought you could.
Seek Assistance to Leave Your Comfort Zone
If you are stuck or in need of some help, don’t be afraid to ask or seek assistance with accomplishing your goal. There are people out there and different wellness communities that are eager and ready to you can help you break through your goal.
One great example if you want to learn how to cook healthier meals at home is Blue Apron. They provide you with the ingredients and measurements that you need to prepare your meal so you don’t have to wander around the grocery store trying to figure out what to buy. However, you’ll still need to learn how to prep and create the meal yourself, but Blue Apron is a good stepping stone to help you learn how to cook.
The Benefits of Breaking Through Your Comfort Zone
“When you think of your health, fitness, and general lifestyle and if it seems overwhelming to you, it’s because you’re trying to think of it all at once. You’re trying to think of how to fix everything at once when in reality all you have to do is be willing to step outside the comfort zone and take baby steps towards that first thing that’s going to have the biggest impact in your life.” – Rob Dionne
You don’t have to try to leave several comfort zones at once because that can create the large amount of anxiety that we want to avoid. To reach optimal anxiety and challenge yourself to help improve your life, just pick one thing to do on a daily basis until you get comfortable with it.
Expand your horizons by focusing on the biggest thing that will change your life and remember to start small. Read a fitness or nutrition book, try a new workout, or challenge yourself to do something new.
There are so many benefits to getting outside your comfort zone:
- Discovering your ‘Why?’
- Positive energy
- Enhanced self-image
- Higher self-confidence
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We love answering questions and getting feedback from you, our listener! If you have any questions to ask us, want to share a review of the show, or tell us any suggestions for guests/topics that you think would be great to have on the show, just email Rob at rob@openskyfitness.com or Devon at devon@openskyfitness.com or you can also leave us a review at www.openskyfitness.com/review, ask a question in the closed Open Sky Fitness Facebook Group and even text OSFreview to 33444 to get the link.
What You’ll Hear on This Episode
00:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:15 Opening comments with Rob and Devon
3:00 Rob’s One-On-One Coaching
5:40 CONTEST: Leave a review and win a book!
6:40 What is a comfort zone? Why does it harm our health and wellness?
11:00 How to begin to break out of your comfort zone.
12:20 What is optimal anxiety and how do you begin to incorporate it into your life?
13:40 Why you don’t want to push too far out of your comfort zone and try to be able to do everything.
15:30 How to keep yourself growing through life and continuing optimize your comfort zone.
17:00 The benefit of the optimal anxiety zone to help you make better choices for your life.
19:00 Why you don’t have to be alone when you break out of your comfort zone.
21:45 The benefits of optimal anxiety and breaking out of your comfort zone.
26:00 Rob and Devon’s experiences with stepping outside their comfort zone.
28:30 How successful people like Tim Ferris and Arnold Schwarzenegger were able to step outside their comfort zones.
35:00 Why it’s time to end the excuses and start your path towards change.
41:00 How to get comfortable with change and our fears.
45:00 The meaning of the word “fail” in Latin and French and how we interrupt it.
47:00 How we can be proud of those moments when we did step out of our comfort zone.
48:30 Closing comments with Rob and Devon
51:30 Open Sky Fitness Closing
- Leave us an iTunes review
- Join the The Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group on Facebook
- Contact Rob for One-On-One Coaching Sessions
- Listen to OSF Ep. 144 with Cristina Curp of The Castaway Kitchen – Heal Your Immune Disease with the Paleo Diet
- Order from Blue Apron
- Learn more about Tim Ferriss
- Read The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
- Check out the How I Built This Podcast from NPR
- Listen to Jim Koch, Founder of Boston Beer Company from NPR
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 147 – How to Break Through Your Comfort Zone! We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you!