How a 7 Day Detox can Change Your Life with Dr. Alejandro Junger – Ep. 276
How a 7 Day Detox can Change Your Life with Dr. Alejandro Junger
Founder of the Clean Program and Author of both, Clean, and his latest, Clean 7, Dr. Alejandro Junger, joins me this week to share the power of an elimination diet, his 5 R’s to live a healthy life, and how to detox not just your nutrition but your environment and habits too.
Join us in this podcast episode as Rob and Dr. Junger discuss:
- His 5 R’s to living a healthier life: Remove, Reinoculation, Restore, Repair, and Relaxation.
- How to clean out your kitchen and start eating fresh for your health.
- Steps to start removing toxins from your gut, environment, and even thoughts.
- What it means if your body isn’t properly sweating.
- What foods and supplements you should consume during an elimination diet.
- How to stay anchored in the present moment no matter what you’re doing.
We also had a good talk about a question from one of my clients, “How can I heal my eczema?”
Clean 7 by Dr. Alejandro Junger
Click here to get your copy of Clean 7 by Dr. Alejandro Junger
The New York Times best-selling doctor and author of Clean shows us that it doesn’t matter where you live, how old you are, or what symptoms you suffer from, in seven days, you can change the course of your health forever.
The culmination of over 30 years of research, education, and practice, Dr. Alejandro Junger’s revolutionary, seven-day program is based around the core principles of functional medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and intermittent fasting. Each one of these practices alone can have positive and lasting effects, but when used together, they propel the body to health, weight-loss, symptom-reversal, and restoration.
The air we breathe, the water we drink and bathe in, the skin products we use, the detergents we clean with, the medications we take, but mostly the foods we eat, are loaded with toxic chemicals that cause all kinds of dysfunctions. We know this, but we feel powerless to control the effects – constipation, body aches and pains, allergies, migraines, stubborn weight, sleeplessness, depression, and anxiety, to name a few. In time and left unabated, these symptoms develop into full blown diseases, many of them life-altering, but even in the best-case scenario, they leave us uncomfortable and unwell. CLEAN 7 is the medically-proven seven-day answer to this toxic overload. The one-week program you’ll discover in this audiobook offers day-by-day, hour-by-hour guidance with easy-to-follow meal plans and delicious recipes that guarantee success.
About Dr. Alejandro Junger
Founder of the Clean Program, Dr. Alejandro Junger was born in Uruguay. He graduated from medical school there in 1990 and moved to New York City for his postgraduate training. The drastic change in lifestyle and diet resulting from his move to New York City soon showed up as irritable bowel syndrome and depression.
Becoming a patient of the system he was practicing was such a shock, that it started his journey in search of an alternative solution to his health problems. His findings are the subject of his first book, “Clean: The Revolutionary Program To Restore the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself”, where Dr. Junger describes how he became aware of the toxicity of our planet. “Clean” is a manual for readers to learn how to turn on and work with their own detoxification systems to restore and maintain optimal health.
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Introducing: The Official Coffee Diet Group
I’ve launched The Official Coffee Diet Group on Facebook! It’s now closed but you can check out the main OCD Coffee website here for updates!
What is The Official Coffee Diet Group? It’s a group in which I’m going to share how you can get started with The Official Coffee Diet, transform your lifestyle, lose weight, roast your own coffee beans, and start feeling great!
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We talked about this a while back but we want you, the listener, to be a guest on our show by allowing us to be your personal coaches for a 1-hour call. Your call will be featured as an actual episode on our podcast but can always keep your identity hidden by changing your name because we know that our health is everything and some things we’d like to keep to ourselves.
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What You’ll Hear on This Episode | How a 7 Day Detox can Change Your Life with Dr. Alejandro Junger
00:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction
1:15 Opening comments with Rob
4:00 About Dr. Junger & Rob’s conversation today
5:00 Introduction to Dr. Junger and his own wellness journey which led him to his clean program.
10:00 The ups and downs he faced in his health as he moved and trained in cardiology around the world.
15:00 Connecting all of the mind and different parts of the body to heal and function better.
17:00 The power of functional medicine when approaching health with a holistic approach.
18:20 Differences and similarities between functional and western medicine.
26:00 How he developed his Clean Program, what it is, and how it can help you detox from our world’s toxins.
28:40 Toxins found in our world including food, cosmetics, cleaning products and more.
30:00 What it means if your body isn’t properly sweating.
31:00 What types of foods are included and not included in the 7-day vs. his 21-day program.
31:50 Foods that are kept out during an elimination diet and what supplements are taken to support the body.
36:00 His 5 R’s to living a healthier life: Remove, Reinoculation, Restore, Repair, and Relaxation.
36:10 The First R – Removal of toxins in your kitchen, environment, and from your thoughts.
37:10 The Second R – Reinoculation with prebiotics and probiotics.
37:30 The Third R – Restoring the good nutrients.
37:50 The Fourth R – Repairing the intestinal gut wall lining aka the Achilles heel of our health.
39:50 The Fifth R – Relaxation because stress can be a direct source of disease.
42:00 How Rob’s own new behaviors have aided his mental health transformation and wellbeing.
44:00 The importance of not only being present during your morning meditation but all of the time.
46:00 How to stay anchored in the present moment no matter what you’re doing.
50:00 How long it would take to see healing from eczema with his Clean Program if it does work for Rob’s client.
56:00 Closing comments with Rob
1:00:00 Join the conversation in our Open Sky Fitness Facebook Group
1:00:10 Open Sky Fitness Closing
- Leave us an iTunes review
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- Clean up your diet with our 7 Day Paleo Reset
- Contact Rob and Devon to apply for One-On-One Coaching Sessions
- Learn more about our new sponsor – ButcherBox
- Tune into last week’s episode Tiny Habits Can Change Everything with BJ Fogg – Ep. 275
- Connect with Dr. Alejandro Junger via:
- Visit the Clean Program website and connect via:
- Read Dr. Junger’s books:
- Learn more about Dr. Jeffrey Bland
- Check out the Medical Medium’s website
- You might like these other podcast episodes:
Do The FREE 7 Day Paleo Rest
Simply go to 7DayPaleoReset.com to sign up now
One of the best things you can do for your mind and body in your mission to get healthier is to focus on your nutrition. That’s why we’re allowing people to sign up now to join us for our next Free 7 Day Paleo Rest! It’s all done via Facebook so no annoying emails that will fill up your inbox.
As part of the 7 Day Paleo Reset, we will provide you with:
- Introduction to what the Paleo Diet is all about
- 7 Day guide to easy Paleo recipes
- What batch cooking is and how to incorporate that into your lifestyle
- Various content resources including generational eating habits, the importance of building a wellness community, and how to begin a new healthy lifestyle.
- How to make an impact on your life and life a life full of wellness.
Look Out For Our Upcoming
Throw Back Thursday Podcast Episodes!
We’ll be releasing new podcasts episodes on Thursdays that discuss previous episodes we’ve done, but we need your help! Go to the Open Sky Fitness Facebook Group and tell us what your favorite episodes are. Then, Devon and I will re-listen to that episode, pick out the best parts and share even more insights on the topic.
We won’t just be regurgitating the same information over again. Since we began this podcast, there’s so much more information out their on health, nutrition, fitness, and personal wellness. So, each Thursday we’ll really just be going deeper into your favorite topics!
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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 276 – How a 7 Day Detox can Change Your Life with. Dr. Alejandro Junger! We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you.